Web Dashboard |
User Manual |
This is the official user manual on using SAMLite web dashboard to perform reporting and administrative tasks. This manual describes each section of reporting functionalities supported in SAMLite and guide you through step by step approach to manage your inventory information and the system environment. |
Table of Contents
Personalizing the Duration of Machine Update to Report
Personalize-able Tabular Report
Machine Software Integrated Information
Features in Machine and Software Summary
Generate a more Specified Report through Hardware Software Summary
Find single software installation copy
Find multiple software installation copy
Managing user accounts and role
Active Directory/LDAP Authentication Configuration
Location Notification Configuration
Auto assign machine to department by Active Directory user.
Configure GeoLocation settings
Configure inactive machine deletion
Configure database log truncation
Configure database indexes re-build
Software Category Notification Schedule
Dormant user account management
Saving a tab-delimited file in Excel
Vendor Update Settings and Schedules
Reporting Features |
The overview page is the first page you will come to after you have successfully logging into the system. This page provides you with summary reports of your inventory information like total machine found up to today, total software detected, last discovery date and etc.
Figure below shows the inventory summary section.
SAMLite offers you content personalization; you can add content that matters to you from the list of supported content onto your overview page. Every user will maintain her set of contents on her overview page. This means personalization made on user A’s overview page is solely for user A and will not be seen on overview page of user B.
There are a vast set of content available to be added to your overview page. The content can be categorized under tabular report and graphical chart. Here are the supported contents:
· Tabular report
o New Machines
o Software Monitor
o Patch Summary
o Hardware Changes
o New Software
o Machine Warranty Expiry
o Machine Lease Expiry
o License Compliancy level
o Software Expiry Alert
· Graphical chart
o Operating System Statistics
o Computer Model Statistics
o Domain Statistics
o Hard Disk Total Size Statistics
o Location Statistics
o Manufacturer Statistics
You can select the content to be displayed on your overview page. Besides that, you can even arrange the content to be on top or bottom of another content, according to your preference. However, the arrangement of your content is limited to the fixed layout on the page.
Figure below shows the personalize-able section in the overview page.
Here are the steps to add content to the overview page.
You can add any content from the supported content list by clicking.
You will be prompted with the content catalogue.
2. Select the content by checking its check boxes.
3. Click “Ok” to add the selected contents to your overview and closes the content catalogue.
Figure below shows the content catalogue. From the figure, you see that there are 15 contents under “Content Catalog” for you to choose from.
The content will be arranged at the top of the selected zone. You can re-arrange them by drag and drop the content to appear on top or bottom of other content.
Figure below shows example of re-arranging content by drag and drop. The blue line shows the destination in which the dragged content will be placed.
To remove content from your overview page, click “Options” link at top right corner on every of your content and choose either “Delete This Content” or “Remove This Content”. If you select “Delete this content”, the content will be moved back to the “Content Catalog” section under the content catalog. If you select “Remove this content”, that content will be moved to “Removed Content” section. The difference between these two modes is that you know which content you have removed from your overview page previously using “Remove this content” by looking at your “Removed Content” section.
Figure below shows where “Removed Content” section is located under content catalog.
You can personalize the number of days (x days) of machine update on your overview page. Setting this will let SAMLite to calculate total number of machines that has been updated for the past x days. For example, if you set it to 100 days, SAMLite will calculate total machines that were updated for the past 100 days.
Figure below shows an example of this setting.
Here is the list of tabular report you can add to your overview page:
· New Machines
· New Software
· Software Monitor
· Patch Summary
· Hardware Changes
· Machine Warranty Expiry
· Machine Lease Expiry
· Software Expiry
· License Compliancy Level
This content shows the most recent 5 new machines being discovered.
Figure below shows a sample of the content.
This content shows the most recent 5 new software being discovered.
Figure below shows a sample of the content.
This content allows you to personalize which software you want to monitor closely. However, this personalization will be reflected to all users. Thus, anyone can add and remove the list monitoring software and everyone will be monitoring the same list of software.
This content displays statistical information for the software you are monitoring:
· Total number of machines installing the software (Detected)
· Total number of purchases (Purchased)
· Total number of unauthorized machines using the software (Unauthorized)
Figure below shows a sample of the content.
To select the software to be monitored, click “Select software to
monitor”. It will lead you to a page that has a list of monitored software.
Figure below shows a sample of the content.
Here are the steps to add software:
Click on and it will lead you
to a page where you can select software from a list.
Select the software title from the left
pane, and then click.
3. The selected software will be added to the right pane.
Here are the steps to remove software:
Select the software title from the right
pane, and then click.
2. The removed software will be moved back to the left pane.
Figure below shows a sample of this.
Click “Ok” button to save your changes and exit the page.
This content allows you to personalize which patch/hotfix you want to monitor closely. However, this personalization will be reflected to all users. Thus, anyone can add and remove the list monitoring hotfixes and everyone will be monitoring the same list of hotfixes.
This content displays statistical information for the hotfixes you are monitoring:
· Total number of machines installing the hotfixes (Detected)
· Total number of machines required to install the hotfix (Required)
· Total number of machines required to install the hotfix but are yet to install it (Pending Installation)
Figure below shows a sample of the content.
select the hotfix to be monitored, click “Select patch to monitor”. It will
lead you to a page that allows you to add hotfix into the monitoring list.
Here are the steps to add hotfix:
1. Select the hotfix name from the “Select a Hotfix” drop down list.
2. The selected hotfix will be shown at the left pane.
3. Select either operating system or software that is required to be installed with the selected software at the right pane.
4. Click “Add” button to add the selected hotfix to the monitoring list.
Here are the steps to remove hotfix:
1. Click “Remove” button of the selected hotfix.
2. The monitoring list will be updated immediately.
Figure below shows a sample of this.
Click “Save” button to save your changes and exit the page.
This content shows the last 5 hardware changes in your inventory.
Figure below shows a sample of this content.
This content shows the nearest 5 warranty expiring machine. The content will show the number of days before the machine’s warranty is expired. If a negative day is shown for a machine, that machine has already expired.
Figure below shows a sample of this content.
This content shows the nearest 5 lease expiring machine. The content will show the number of days before the machine’s lease is expired. If a negative day is shown for a machine, that machine has already expired.
Figure below shows a sample of this content.
This content shows the nearest 5 lease expiring software. The content will show the number of days before the software support date is expired. If a negative day is shown for the software, it has already expired.
Figure below shows a sample of this content.
This content shows Top 5 Software License Compliancy Level. This content will show the percentage of compliancy for software that has authorization record in the system. For example, Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 has being authorized to be installed on 100 machines. But in reality, only 70 authorized machines out of 100 authorized machines have installed it. Thus, only 70/100 or 70% level of compliancy has been reached for Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007. The calculation for compliancy level only takes authorized machines into consideration.
Figure below shows a sample of this content.
see the list of machines collected by SAMLite, go to Machine Summary
under Inventory Reports. The summary report contains the list of machines with
general details like computer name, company, department, location, username and
domain. You can also view other details in the summary report by clicking “Select more
columns” at the top of the report table. Other selectable details are as
· First discovered date
· Full name
· IP address
· Last discovered date
· Model
· Operating systems
· Os patch
· Os version
· Scan method
· Serial number
· Status
The summary report shows the total number of machines being collected thus far at the top left of the table. The page is limited to 20 machines per view. To see the rest of the machines, click on the page number at the bottom of the report table. Each column/detail is sort-able by alphabetical order (A-Z) or (Z-A). You may click on the column header to sort that particular column.
are two ways you can see machine details. You may check on the checkbox of one
or more machine records then click on “See machine details”. Or you can
directly click on the machine name which appears to be a hyperlink. Either way
will bring you to see the selected machine details; with the latter will only
limit you to see only one machine details.
one or more machine records and then click on “See software installed. On the result
page, select a computer name on the left pane to see its installed software.
Selecting multiple computer names will show you the list of common software
being installed on those selected machines.
on “Filter
machine by department” to filter your viewing machine to only from those
departments you want to see. You can select one or more departments. The
department is grouped by company (shown in bold).
on “Filter
machine by location” to filter your viewing machine to only from those
locations you want to see. You can select one or more locations.
on “Filter
machine by status” to filter your viewing machines to those from the selected
status only. You can select one or more status from the status list.
one or machines and then click “Set machine status” to tag them to
one of the status (Active, Inactive and Expired).
on “Filter
record by first discovered date” to filter your viewing to the date you
specified based on the first discovered date.
on “Filter
record by last discovered date” to filter your viewing to the date you specified
based on the last discovered date.
on “Filter
machine by warranty status” allow you to view your report based on machine
warranty status. Status available for selection is Expired and Not
Expired. You can select one or more status.
on “Filter
machine by lease status” allow you to view your report based on machine lease
status. Status available for selection is Expired and Not Expired.
You can select one or more status.
delete machine(s), the user must have machine moderator rights. See assign user
role for more details. Select one or more machines and then click to delete. All
installed software and hardware information about the selected machines will be
deleted from the system. However, historical information of the machine will be
retained for record purposes and can be manually deleted separately.
may search for computer name or other details by typing in the search criteria
and clicking the search button. It will search by computer name by
default. To search for machine details, type in the search criteria and select
“Search in all columns” checkbox from
“Search options”. When searching in
all columns, the search will find in all selectable columns including the
hidden columns besides the column you have chosen to display.
Select the “Invert Search” check box to invert the search. For example if you only want results that do NOT contain the word “Server”, select invert search and search for “Server”.
You can also search for machines that are within a “Search Radius” of a location by specifying a latitude and longitude in the search (e.g. 3.1467627 101.6159689). Use the Search Radius drop down to specify other values. Select Invert Search if you want to search for machines that are NOT within the selected Search Radius of the specified latitude and longitude.
Specifying a Roaming Days value and clicking search will produce a report of machines that have left their assigned Location. Roaming Days = 0 means only the last known location will be considered and the location history will not be used. If Roaming Days is set to 30 and a machine has been detected to have left a location within 30 days but has returned it will show up in the report.
at the top of
the report table to export the entire machine summary report to a format that
can be opened by Microsoft excel. The exported file will be in .xls format. SAMLite
will export all records instead of only those records currently shown in the
Click to export the entire machine summary
report to the same format as it is shown in the page. The exported file will be
in .pdf format.
The Machine Details report can be accessed from multiple places. For example, you can view a machine’s details by clicking on a machine name hyperlink from machine summary. The Machine Details report can accommodate more than one machine, but only one machine’s details will be visible at a time. You will see the list of machines (for example, selected machines from machine summary) on the left pane. Clicking on a computer name will show you its details.
These are the details available in the report:
· General
· User defined fields
· Machine custom field
· Installed software
· Operating systems
· Processor
· Memory
· Storage
· Disk partitions
· Motherboard
· Network adapter
· Video controller
· Monitor
· Sound device
· Printer
· Installed hotfixes
· Hardware Changes
· Software Changes
· GeoLocation History (if GeoLocation feature enabled)
· Warranty Details
· Associated Assets
· OS History
· Process History
· Event History
may export the details to excel for your own reporting needs by clicking on “Export to excel”.
The resulted excel file will contain all information similar to what is shown
at your machine details reporting page.
You may also export the details of all the selected machines
shown on the left pane by clicking. The resulted excel file will contain
all information of those machines listed on the left pane.
Besides saving your report in Excel format, you may prefer
to see your reporting as it is shown on SAMLite page; you may click on.
Click on will allows you to export machines
details into .pdf format for all the machines selected on the left pane in one
Click onwill allow you to hide/shown all the
machine details. When details are hidden, all you see are the headers of the
panel. You may choose to show all details by clicking on
again or
click on the header that you would like to see its details.
To see a list of software collected from all machines, go to
Software Summary in Inventory Reports. You will see something similar to
the following:
Item |
Description |
Name/Prefix |
Software name or prefix (first word(s) of software name). |
Count |
Number of different versions with the name/prefix |
Detected |
Number of detected machines with the software with that name/prefix |
Min Version |
Minimum version for name/prefix |
Max Version |
Maximum version for name/prefix |
Publisher |
Publisher (blank if name/prefix covers software with different publishers) |
License Type |
License Type (blank if name/prefix covers software with different license types) |
Categories |
Software categories (blank if name/prefix covers software with different software categories) |
Group software by name |
Select to group software by name/words. |
Show software categories |
Select to show software categories |
Exclude inventoried items |
Select to exclude software that’s already added to a software inventory group. |
Search by Name, Publisher and License Type. |
Show details of selected software |
Show machines with selected software |
Filter software by software license type |
Filter software by software category |
Filter software by department |
Filter software by location |
Filter software by machine status |
Filter software by first discovered date |
Delete selected software |
Export results to Excel readable format |
Export results to PDF |
may check the checkbox of one or more records then click on “Show details of selected
software”. Doing this will bring you to see the selected software details. By
selecting multiple software titles before seeing the details provide you a convenient
way to browse through each software details of your interest without having you
to go back to software summary too frequent to re-select them.
one or more software records and then click on to “show machines with selected
software”. On the result page, select a software title on the left Software pane
to see a list of machines with that specific version of the software. Selecting
multiple software titles lists only machines with all of the selected software.
on “Filter
software by department” to filter your viewing software list to show only
software that are from machines of the selected departments. You can select one
or more departments. The department is grouped by company (shown in bold).
on “Filter
software by location” to filter your viewing software list to show only
software that are from machines of the selected locations. You can select one
or more locations.
on “Filter
software by machine status” to filter your viewing software list to show only
software that are from machines of the selected status. You can select one or
more status.
on “Filter record
by first discovered date” to filter your viewing to the date you specified
based on the first discovered date.
delete machine(s), the user must have software moderator rights. See assign
user role for more details. Select one or more software and then click to delete. Selected
software will be deleted from the system. However, historical information of
the software will be retained for record purposes and can be manually deleted
may search for software by typing in text to search for and clicking the search
button. By
default the searched fields include Display Name, Publisher, License Type and
First Discovered Date. To change the search fields click on
at the top of
the report table to export the software summary report to a format that can be
opened by Microsoft excel. SAMLite will export all records instead of only
those records currently shown in the page.
Click to export the software summary report as
a PDF file.
To see the list of machines and their installed software, go to Machine and Software Summary under Inventory Reports. If no software inventory has been created the Machine and Software Summary by default will show all machines and all the software in each machine.
If Software Inventory groups have been created, the report by default will show all machines and only the software in Software Inventory groups.
can customize the summary report by clicking
to select specified columns you wish
to have for your report. Aggregate columns like Machine Count and Software
Count can be added, so for example to generate a report that lists the number
of machines for each software by Department you would remove all the columns
and then add the following columns: Department, Software Name and Machine
Count. For a similar report but with Software Inventory, you would use
Inventory Name instead of Software Name.
on “Filter
software by license” to pick the license types (Add On, Free, NonFree and
Unknown) for the software to be included in the report. By default all license
types are selected. The “NonFree” license type is for software that normally
requires payment and is the main item for licensing purposes. “Free” is for
software that normally does not require payment. The “Add On” license type is
for software that is not free but not the main software for licensing purposes.
“Unknown” is for software which the license type is unknown to the system (the
system uses rules to assign categories and license types to software).
on “Filter
software by category” to pick the software categories of software to be
included in the report. By default no categories are selected. Selecting
multiple categories will restrict the report to software that belongs to all
selected categories.
on “Filter by Software Inventory” you can
see by default all inventories already been selected. You can deselect those by
clicking on the check box to view only those machines with the inventory you
interested in.
on “Filter
software by department” to filter your viewing software list to show only
software that are from machines of the selected departments. You can select one
or more departments. The department is grouped by company (shown in bold).
on “Filter
software by location” to filter your viewing software list to show only
software that are from machines of the selected locations. You can select one
or more locations.
on “Filter
software by machine status” to filter your viewing software list to show only
software that are from machines of the selected status. You can select one or
more status.
on “Filter
record by first discovered date” to filter your viewing to the date you
specified based on the first discovered date.
at the top of
the report table to export the entire machine software summary report to a
format that can be opened by Microsoft excel. The exported file will be in .xls
format. SAMLite will export all records instead of only those records currently
shown in the page.
Click to export the entire machine software
summary report to the same format as it is shown in the page. The exported file
will be in .pdf format.
Example 1: Create software inventory to generate more effective report.
If you do not create any software inventory before, Hardware Software Summary shows a whole list of machines with all software installed in it. From the figure below, you can see the number of records is very big and the panel for “Filter by Software Inventory” is blank.
List showing machines with all software installed in it.
** Please refer to License Management Documentation on how to create a software inventory.
Software Inventory created under License Management.
Go back to Machine Software Summary page to find your report is currently filtered by the software inventory you have created.
List of Machines filtered by software inventory.
Example 2: You can get a detailed report of how many machines installed with Microsoft Office 2010 which are from IT department.
Select only the software inventory you wish to view
Further filter with machines from certain department.
Report of machines from IT department with Microsoft Office 2010 installed.
To see the master list of patches collected by SAMLite, go to Patch Summary under Inventory Reports. The summary report contains the list of patches with general details like Hotfix ID, detected, required and outstanding. Column “Detected” shows the number of machines that have installed the patch. Column “Required” shows the number of machines that are required to install the patch, have already installed it. The required machines are determined and configured by you or any user from “Monitor software” section under your Overview page. Column “Outstanding” shows the number of pending machines that are required to install the patch.
The summary report shows the total number of machines being collected thus far at the top left of the table. The page is limited to 20 machines per view. To see the rest of the machines, click on the page number at the bottom of the report table. Each column/detail is sortable by alphabetical order (A-Z) or (Z-A). You may click on the column header to sort that particular column.
may check on the checkbox of one or more software records then click on “See patch
details”. Doing this will bring you to see the selected patch details. By
selecting multiple patches before seeing the details provide you a convenient
way to browse through each patch details of your interest without having you to
go back to patch summary too frequent to re-select them.
Select the option “show outstanding records only” from the drop down box to filter patches that are monitored by all users. See monitor software and patches for more details. The filtered list will be the patches that contains a non-zero value under “Required” or “Outstanding” columns.
on “Filter
patch by machine department” to filter your viewing patch list to show only
patch that are from machines of the selected departments. You can select one or
more departments. The department is grouped by company (shown in bold).
on “Filter
patch by machine location” to filter your viewing patch list to show only patch
that are from machines of the selected locations. You can select one or more
may search for patches by typing in the patch name into the search box and
clicking the search button. It will only search by patch name.
at the top of
the report table to export the entire patch summary report to a format that can
be opened by Microsoft excel. The exported file will be in .xls format. SAMLite
will export all records instead of only those records currently shown in the
Click to export the entire machine summary
report to the same format as it is shown in the page. The exported file will be
in .pdf format.
select the hotfix to be monitored, click “Select patch to monitor”. It will
lead you to a page that allows you to add hotfix into the monitoring list.
Here are the steps to add hotfix:
5. Select the hotfix name from the “Select a Hotfix” drop down list.
6. The selected hotfix will be shown at the left pane.
7. Select either operating system or software that is required to be installed with the selected software at the right pane.
8. Click “Add” button to add the selected hotfix to the monitoring list.
Here are the steps to remove hotfix:
3. Click “Remove” button of the selected hotfix.
4. The monitoring list will be updated immediately.
Figure below shows a sample of this.
Click “Save” button to save your changes and exit the page.
Patch details can be accessed from multiple places. For example, you can see a patch’s details by clicking on its name (hyperlink) from patch summary. The details report can accommodate more than one patch, while only show one patch details is visible at a time. You will see the list of patches (for example, selected patches from patch summary) on the left pane. Clicking on a patch name will show you its details in two sections- Detected installation and required machines.
Detected installation shows the list of machine that has installed the patch. Other details like patch description, machine IP address, and installed date are also shown in the report.
Required machines show the list of machine that you or other users have configured to monitor. You can configure patches that are required to be installed on any particular machine from “Monitor Software” of your Overview page. You may filter the records by outstanding machines (Show machine not installed only) and complied machines (Show machine installed only) from the given drop down box.
Hardware history shows the historical general and hardware information changes that happen in your organization over time. The types of changes tracked by SAMLite are as follow:
· Location and departments
· Operating system
· Physical disk
· Memory
· Processor
· User
· Network configuration
· Computer hostname
· Domain
The changes are tracked on each machine during machine inventory update. The changes of a machine are reported by comparing the differences of current hardware and general information from the current information saved in the system.
You can access hardware history from “General & Hardware History” from Inventory Report page. You may find records of changes that were detected by selecting a date or a range of dates from the search calendar. You may filter the records by selecting one of the change categories from the drop down box.
on “Filter
machine by department” to filter your viewing history list to show only history
record that are from machines of the selected departments. You can select one
or more departments. The department is grouped by company (shown in bold).
on “Filter
machine by location” to filter your viewing history list to show only history
record that are from machines of the selected locations. You can select one or
more locations.
may search for any information by typing in the search criteria into the search
box and clicking the search button.
at the top of
the report table to export the entire hardware history report to a format that
can be opened by Microsoft excel. The exported file will be in .xls format. SAMLite
will export all records instead of only those records currently shown in the
one or more historical record and click “Delete selected record” (beside
export to excel icon) to delete them.
In this page you can generate GeoLocation history reports.
The search field supports query for “latitude longitude” (select the appropriate radius with the Search radius drop-down). Select “Invert search” to look for records that do not match the search.
The default date range is one month.
The Source column indicates whether the GeoLocation query was done at the client or at the SAMLite server.
The Accuracy column is an estimate on how accurate the GeoLocation guess is. The Change is the distance in km from the previous position. GeoLocation are the latitude and longitude of the guessed location.
The Assigned Location is the Location that the machine has been assigned to (e.g. Administration, Location, Assign machine to location).
The Address, Postcode, State and Country columns are guessed address information.
To update machine information, SAMLite scans produce XML scan files which are imported by the SAMLite import service.
To view the import status of these files and related information go to Import History in Inventory Reports. You should see a report similar to the following:
By default the report is filtered by Import Time – only records up to 1 day old are shown.
Click on the icon to filter
by Import Status:
Click on to filter
by Import Time and
to filter by
Scan Time.
Import Time is the time the scan file was processed by the SAMLite Import Service.
Scan Time is the time at the computer when the scan file was created.
To filter by computer name enter a computer name into the Computer
Name field and click on:
To periodically delete Import History (and reduce storage usage), enable Status History Maintenance in Administration, Maintenance Settings, and set the Maximum Status History Days.
To view Machine OS History, go to Machine OS History in Inventory Reports. You should see a report similar to the following:
OSH stands for OS History.
By default the report is filtered by Import Time and only records up to 1 day old are shown.
Click on to filter
by Import Time and
to filter by
Scan Time. Import Time is the time the scan file was processed by the SAMLite
Import Service. Scan Time is the time at the computer when the scan file was
To filter by computer name enter a computer name into the Computer
Name field and click on:
Normally OS Performance information is not collected or shown e.g. OSH Available Bytes, OSH Pages Output/s will be blank.
To collect additional OS Performance information set GetOSPerf=1 in the SAMScanConfig.txt file for the relevant localscan.vbs script.
For more information on the SAMScanConfig.txt file please refer to SAMLite Installation and Initial Setup.pdf .
To periodically delete Machine OS History (and reduce storage usage), enable Status History Maintenance in Administration, Maintenance Settings, and set the Maximum Status History Days.
To view Machine Process History, go to Machine Process History in Inventory Reports. You should see a report similar to the following:
By default the report is filtered by Import Time and only records up to 1 day old are shown.
Click on to filter
by Import Time and
to filter by
Scan Time. Import Time is the time the scan file was processed by the SAMLite
Import Service. Scan Time is the time at the computer when the scan file was
To filter by computer name enter a computer name into the Computer
Name field and click on:
Normally additional process file information is not collected or shown e.g. Process File Description, Bytes, Process File Company will be blank. But Process File Version will be collected if available.
To collect additional file information set GetProcFileDetails=1 in the SAMScanConfig.txt file for the relevant localscan.vbs script.
Process performance information is also not collected by default. To collect Process Performance information set GetProcPerf=1 in the SAMScanConfig.txt file for the relevant localscan.vbs script.
For more information on the SAMScanConfig.txt file please refer to SAMLite Installation and Initial Setup.pdf.
To periodically delete Machine Process History (and reduce storage usage), enable Status History Maintenance in Administration, Maintenance Settings, and set the Maximum Status History Days.
To view Machine Event History, go to Machine Event History in Inventory Reports. You should see a report similar to the following:
By default the report is filtered by Import Time and only records up to 1 day old are shown.
Click on to filter
by Import Time and
to filter by
Scan Time. Import Time is the time the scan file was processed by the SAMLite
Import Service. Scan Time is the time at the computer when the scan file was
To filter by computer name enter a computer name into the Computer
Name field and click on:
To filter by Event Log (e.g. System or Application), enter the desired search patterns separated by commas into the Event Log File Pattern field. Prefix the patterns with a minus sign to exclude records matching that pattern.
To filter by Event Source (e.g. Kernel-General or Kernel-Power) enter the desired search patterns separated by commas into the Event Source Pattern field. Prefix the patterns with a minus sign to exclude records matching that pattern.
To filter by Event IDs, enter the desired event IDs or event ID ranges separated by commas into the Event ID List field. Prefix items with a minus sign to exclude that ID or range.
137, 140, 6008 will include events with Event IDs=137, 140 or 6008. 137-140 will include events with Event IDs = 137, 138, 139 or 140.
-137 will exclude events with Event ID = 137. -137-140 will exclude events with Event IDs = 137, 138, 139 or 140.
Normally only events from the system log related to shutdown, startup, wake, sleep and time changes are gathered, along with Warning and Error level events from kernel, disk, Ntfs and FailoverClustering event sources.
To collect additional event information you will need to configure the SAMScanConfig.txt file. Please refer to Event Log Advanced Settings in SAMLite Installation and Initial Setup.pdf.
To periodically delete Machine Process History (and reduce storage usage), enable Status History Maintenance in Administration, Maintenance Settings, and set the Maximum Status History Days.
Software history shows the historical software information changes that happen in your organization over time. The types of changes tracked by SAMLite are as follow:
· Newly installed software
· Uninstalled software
The changes are tracked on each machine during machine inventory update. The changes of a machine are reported by comparing the differences of latest software installed collected by SAMLite with the current list of installed software saved in the system.
You can access software history from “Software History” from Inventory Report page. You may find records of changes that were detected by selecting a date or a range of dates from the search calendar. You may filter the records by selecting one of the change categories from the drop down box.
on “Filter
machine by department” to filter your viewing history list to show only history
record that are from machines of the selected departments. You can select one
or more departments. The department is grouped by company (shown in bold).
on “Filter
machine by location” to filter your viewing history list to show only history
record that are from machines of the selected locations. You can select one or
more locations.
on “Filter software by view” to filter
your viewing history list to show only history record that are from software of
the selected views. You can select one or more views.
may search for any information by typing in the search criteria into the search
box and clicking the search button.
at the top of
the report table to export the entire software history report to a format that
can be opened by Microsoft excel. The exported file will be in .xls format. SAMLite
will export all records instead of only those records currently shown in the
one or more historical record and click “Delete selected record” (beside
export to excel icon) to delete them.
SAMLite helps you to manage the lifecycle of your organization’s machine/workstations by keeping track of their warranty expiry date. Keeping track these date enable the administrator to be aware of when her machines are due for warranty expiry. SAMLite will also alert the administrator at the Overview page when the expiry date is near. You can configure how many days before the expiry date you want SAMLite to raise the alert.
To view machine warranty expiry summary report, go to Machine Expiry Summary from Inventory Report page then click on Warranty Expiry link. From the page, you can see list of machine with its warranty start date, expiry date and the remaining days before the warranty is expired.
are two ways you can see machine details. You may check on the checkbox of one
or more machine records then click on “See machine details”. Or you can
directly click on the machine name which appears to be a hyperlink. Either way
will bring you to see the selected machine details; with the latter will only
limit you to see only one machine details.
one or more machine records and then click on “See software installed. On the result
page, select a computer name on the left pane to see its installed software.
Selecting multiple computer names will show you the list of common software
being installed on those selected machines.
on “Filter
machine by department” to filter your viewing machine to only from those
departments you want to see. You can select one or more departments. The
department is grouped by company (shown in bold).
on “Filter
machine by location” to filter your viewing machine to only from those
locations you want to see. You can select one or more locations.
on “Filter
machine by status” to filter your viewing machines to those from the selected
status only. You can select one or more status from the status list.
one or machines and then click “Set machine status” to tag them to
one of the status (Active, Inactive and Expired).
on “Filter
record by first discovered date” to filter your viewing to the date you
specified based on the first discovered date.
on “Filter
record by last discovered date” to filter your viewing to the date you
specified based on the last discovered date.
on “Filter
machine by warranty status” allow you to view your report based on machine
warranty status. Status available for selection is Expired and Not
Expired. You can select one or more status.
on “Filter
machine by lease status” allow you to view your report based on machine lease
status. Status available for selection is Expired and Not Expired.
You can select one or more status.
delete machine(s), the user must have machine moderator rights. See assign user
role for more details. Select one or more machines and then click to delete. All
installed software and hardware information about the selected machines will be
deleted from the system. However, historical information of the machine will be
retained for record purposes and can be manually deleted separately.
may search for computer name or other details by typing in the search criteria
and clicking the search button. It will search by computer name by
default. To search for machine details, type in the search criteria and select
“Search in all columns” checkbox from
“Search options”. When searching in
all columns, the search will find in all selectable columns including the
hidden columns besides the column you have chosen to display.
at the top of
the report table to export the entire machine summary report to a format that
can be opened by Microsoft excel. The exported file will be in .xls format. SAMLite
will export all records instead of only those records currently shown in the
Click to export the entire machine summary
report to the same format as it is shown in the page. The exported file will be
in .pdf format.
SAMLite helps you to manage the lifecycle of your organization’s machine/workstations by keeping track of their lease expiry date. Keeping track these date enable the administrator to be aware of when to renew her machines or to decommission them. SAMLite will also alert the administrator at the Overview page when the expiry date is near. You can configure how many days before the expiry date you want SAMLite to raise the alert.
To view machine lease expiry summary report, go to Machine Expiry from Inventory Report page and then click on Lease Expiry link. From the page, you can see list of machine with its lease start date, expiry date and the remaining days before the machine leasing is expired.
are two ways you can see machine details. You may check on the checkbox of one
or more machine records then click on “See machine details”. Or you can
directly click on the machine name which appears to be a hyperlink. Either way
will bring you to see the selected machine details; with the latter will only
limit you to see only one machine details.
one or more machine records and then click on “See software installed. On the result
page, select a computer name on the left pane to see its installed software.
Selecting multiple computer names will show you the list of common software
being installed on those selected machines.
on “Filter
machine by department” to filter your viewing machine to only from those
departments you want to see. You can select one or more departments. The
department is grouped by company (shown in bold).
on “Filter
machine by location” to filter your viewing machine to only from those
locations you want to see. You can select one or more locations.
on “Filter
machine by status” to filter your viewing machines to those from the selected
status only. You can select one or more status from the status list.
one or machines and then click “Set machine status” to tag them to
one of the status (Active, Inactive and Expired).
on “Filter
record by first discovered date” to filter your viewing to the date you
specified based on the first discovered date.
on “Filter
record by last discovered date” to filter your viewing to the date you
specified based on the last discovered date.
on “Filter
machine by warranty status” allow you to view your report based on machine
warranty status. Status available for selection is Expired and Not
Expired. You can select one or more status.
on “Filter machine by lease status” allow
you to view your report based on machine lease status. Status available for
selection is Expired and Not Expired. You can select one or more
delete machine(s), the user must have machine moderator rights. See assign user
role for more details. Select one or more machines and then click to delete. All
installed software and hardware information about the selected machines will be
deleted from the system. However, historical information of the machine will be
retained for record purposes and can be manually deleted separately.
may search for computer name or other details by typing in the search criteria
and clicking the search button. It will search by computer name by
default. To search for machine details, type in the search criteria and select
“Search in all columns” checkbox from
“Search options”. When searching in
all columns, the search will find in all selectable columns including the
hidden columns besides the column you have chosen to display.
at the top of
the report table to export the entire machine summary report to a format that
can be opened by Microsoft excel. The exported file will be in .xls format. SAMLite
will export all records instead of only those records currently shown in the
Click to export the entire machine summary
report to the same format as it is shown in the page. The exported file will be
in .pdf format.
You can configure the report to alert you with machines that are expiring soon. You can tell SAMLite to show you machines with warranty and lease expiry date that are close to the number of days you specified. To see these alerts at Overview page, you must add Machine Warranty Expiry and Machine Lease Expiry to your personalized overview page.
To configure your alert settings, go to Settings link from Machine Expiry page. There are two sections to configure. One is to configure days for machine warranty expiry, and another one is to configure days for machine lease expiry. Type in the number of days for each sections and then save your settings.
You may also configure to stop alerting machines that have expired. For example, you can configure SAMLite to stop alerting you with machines that have expired more than 10 days.
By default, SAMLite will alert you 30 days before expiry, and stop alert for machines expired more than 7 days. See figure below for a sample setting.
In the next section you can configure email alerts to notify
you of machine warranty or lease expiry.
Note: For email alerts to work you MUST configure suitable SMTP Server settings in Administration, Configure email notification, Configure SMTP Server, SMTP Server Address.
SAMLite helps you to manage the lifecycle of your organization’s software by keeping track of their expiry date. Keeping track these date enable the administrator to be aware of when her software are due for expiry. SAMLite will also alert the administrator at the Overview page when the expiry date is near. You can configure how many days before the expiry date you want SAMLite to raise the alert.
To view software expiry summary report, go to Software Expiry Summary from Inventory Report page. From the page, you can see list of software with its expiry date, the remaining days before they are expire, which PO they are tied to, the renewal details and number of machine(s) will be affected.
are two ways you can see software details. You may check on the checkbox of one
or more software records then click on “See software details”. Or you can
directly click on the software name which appears to be a hyperlink. Either way
will bring you to see the selected software details; with the latter will only
limit you to see only one software details.
one or more software records and then click on “See machine detected installed with
this software”. On the result page, select a software title on the left pane to
see its installed machine. Selecting multiple software titles will show you the
list of machines being installing all selected software.
on “Filter software
by expiry mode” to filter your viewing software to those from the selected
modes only. Available expiry modes are expired and non-expired mode. You can
select one or more modes from the status list.
may search for records by typing in the search criteria and clicking the search
at the top of
the report table to export the entire software expiry report to a format that
can be opened by Microsoft excel. The exported file will be in .xls format. SAMLite
will export all records instead of only those records currently shown in the
You can configure the report to alert you with software that is expiring soon. You can tell SAMLite to show you software with support date that is close to the number of days you specified. To see these alerts at Overview page, you must add Software Expiry to your personalized overview page.
To configure your alert settings, go to Settings link from Software Expiry page. You can type in the number of days you wish to be alerted before the expiry.
You may also configure to stop alerting software that has expired. For example, you can configure SAMLite to stop alerting you with software that has expired more than 10 days.
By default, SAMLite will alert you 30 days before expiry, and stop alert for software expired more than 7 days. See figure below for a sample setting.
As shown below, you can choose to have an email notification daily or you can schedule a date to receive the email as you wish to. By default, the email will report the software expiring within 40 days and stop reporting those have expired more than 7 days.
Statistics pages give you a top-level view of your hardware and general information on specific area of your inventory. You can see the list of statistic provided by SAMLite under “Statistics” from the Inventory Report page. The provided statistic areas are as follow:
· Operating system and patch
· Location
· Computer model
· Hard disk storage
· System manufacturer
· Domain
This statistic gives you an overall view of the types of operating systems found in your inventory. It gives you a graph view of each operating system and the number of machines being detected having that operating system. You can access this statistic page by following “Operating System” icon from Statistics Menu.
Below is a sample graph of operating system. On the left of the graph is the name of the operating system while the figure on the right shows number of machines being detected installed with that operating system.
You may click on any bar on the graph to see the list of machines having that operating system. Bar in orange-red indicate the currently selected operating system.
On the right of the graph, shows the patch version found in your inventory. Figure below shows a sample of operating system patch for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise. You may click on the patch bar to see list of machines of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise with service pack 2.
This statistic gives you an overall view of all the locations being added into the system. It gives you a graph view of each location and the number of machines being assigned to the location. You can access this statistic page by following “Location” icon from Statistics Menu.
Below is a sample graph of location. On the left of the graph is the name of the location while the figure on the right shows number of machines being assigned to it.
You may click on any bar on the graph to see the list of machines under that location. Bar in orange-red indicate the currently selected location.
This statistic gives you an overall view of the every computer model being detected by SAMLite. It gives you a graph view of each model and the number of machines of that model. You can access this statistic page by following “Model” icon from Statistics Menu.
Below is a sample graph of model. The graph will be laid out vertically on your screen. On the left of the graph is the name of the model while the figure on the right shows number of machines of that model.
You may click on any bar on the graph to see the list of machines of the model. Bar in orange-red indicates the currently selected model.
This statistic gives you an overall view of the range of hard disk (HDD) storage sizes being detected on all machines in the system. It gives you a graph view of each HDD and the number of machines having hard disk of such size.
The size is a combination size of all hard disk found in every machine. If a machine has two 100GB of hard disks, the total storage size will be 200GB. Removable drive and network drives will also be calculated as well.
You can access this statistic page by following “Hard Disk Storage” icon from Statistics Menu. Below is a sample graph of HDD storage. On the left of the graph is the fixed range of the HDD storage size while the figure on the right shows number of machines with total hard disk storage size of that size.
You may click on any bar on the graph to see the list of machine. Bar in orange-red indicates the currently selected range.
This statistic gives you an overall view of the every system manufacturer being detected by SAMLite. It gives you a graph view of each manufacturer and the number of machines of that manufacturer. You can access this statistic page by following “Manufacturer” icon from Statistics Menu.
Below is a sample graph of manufacturer. On the left of the graph is the name of the manufacturer while the figure on the right shows number of machines of that manufacturer.
You may click on any bar on the graph to see the list of machines of the manufacturer. Bar in orange-red indicate the currently selected manufacturer.
This statistic gives you an overall view of the every domain being detected by SAMLite. It gives you a graph view of each domain and the number of machines under that domain. You can access this statistic page by following “Domain” icon from Statistics Menu.
Below is a sample graph of domain. On the left of the graph is the name of the domain while the figure on the right shows number of machines under that domain.
You may click on any bar on the graph to see the list of machines of the domain. Bar in orange-red indicates the currently selected domain.
This section contains miscellaneous query wizards.
You can use this wizard to find specific hardware information prior to perform system upgrade. This wizard allows you to find machines that matches hard disk and memory size specified by you so that you can evaluate whether a machine is suitable to be upgraded. For example, to find out machines with Microsoft XP that is capable to be upgraded to Windows Vista, the machine must have at least 10GB of hard disk space and 1GB of RAM. Using this wizard, the system can easily list down the machines that are eligible for this upgrade project based on the current hardware information in your inventory.
Go to upgrade advisor from “Upgrade Advisor” from Query Wizard menu in Inventory Reports page.
To start a new query, follow the steps below:
1. Type in the minimum RAM size and minimum free hard disk size at its respective entry box.
2. Select operating system of the machine you want to upgrade. Select all operating system if you want to include all.
3. This is an optional step: Select the pre-requisite software that must be installed. SAMLite
will look for machines that currently have the selected software.
4. This is an optional step: Select the location of the machines.
After specifying all these search criteria, click on “Search” button.
The search result page will show you simple statistics of number of machines matched the search criteria. Statistics shows:
· Number of machines matches all the search requirements
· Number of machines that fails the search
Click on the figure (hyperlink) will show you the list of machines for each statistics.
You can save your search criteria for re-use especially when your inventory is updated with more new machines and updated software records. Each login user will maintain its own saved query for own usage only. Therefore, when you login to the system, you will only see the queries that you have saved previously, and not from other users.
To save your query, you have to key in your pre-requisites and search criteria at the upgrade wizard page then click “Save” or “Save As” button. You will then be prompted to save the query with a name of your choice.
To load the saved query, go to Query wizard menu (Inventory > Query Wizards). Select any one query from “Saved Upgrade Advisor”. You can then run the query or edit the pre-requisites and search criteria before searching.
delete your query, click “Manage this list” from the “Saved Upgrade Advisor”
section. Click to
delete the query. You may also hide any saved query by clicking
of the selected query. The
query will not be shown at your list. This can be useful if you only want to
see only most frequently used query and hide the rest. To unhide, click on
of the selected
query. Click the “Back” button to go back to your query wizard menu.
This wizard helps you to find machines that have installed only one instance of the type of software that has a similar name. This is especially useful when you want to standardize your machines to have the same set of software in your organization.
For example, every machine is your organization should have BOTH Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise AND Adobe Acrobat 6.0 installed. This is one of your standard operating environment (SOE) requirements to standardize each desktop to have same amount of software and the required version. You can use this wizard to find which machine that only has either Office 2007 or Acrobat 6.0 but not both of them. Below shows more usage example of the wizard:
· All desktops/laptops should have
o Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise and Acrobat.com
· All desktops/laptops from Sales department should have
o Microsoft Project, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Acrobat Reader 5.0
Go to “Find single software installation copy” under “Upgrade Advisor” from Query Wizard menu in Inventory Reports page.
To start a new query, type in a software name or a part of the software name into “Find keywords” text box. For example, considering we are taking from the example of an organization wanted to find machine that doesn’t have BOTH Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise and Adobe Acrobat 6.0, you type in “Office 2007 Enterprise, Acrobat” into the search box. The wizard will filter your software list to only contain software title that matches these two names.
Optionally, you can key in the keyword you want to exclude in the search to narrow down the software list. For example, you want to find all software that has the name “Acrobat“, but you surely do not want “Acrobatic Games” to appear in the list. So, you can filter out other name by typing “Games” under Exclude keywords text box. Click “Find Now” button to begin the search.
From the returned software list, select Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise and Acrobat.com. Then click “Find Machines” button to search for machines. The wizard will list out machines that have only either one of the search software. The result table will be shown at the bottom of the page with the machine name and the selected software.
Figure below shows a sample of the search result.
From here, I discovered that “GENEVA” (my machine name) has only installed Acrobat.com. With this information, I can install the missing software which is Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise to this machine.
After you perform search using this wizard, you can save the search keywords so that you re-use it again in future. Each login user will maintain its own saved query for own usage only. Therefore, when you login to the system, you will only see the queries that you have saved previously, and not from other users.
To save your query, you have to key in your keywords then click “Save” or “Save As” button. You will then be prompted to save the query with a name of your choice.
To load the saved query, go to Query wizard menu (Inventory > Query Wizards). Select any query from “Saved Software Search” section. You can then run the query or edit keywords before searching.
To delete your query, click “Manage this list” from the
“Saved Software Search” section. Click to delete the query. You may also hide
any saved query by clicking
of the selected query. The query will
not be shown at your list. This can be useful if you only want to see only most
frequently used query and hide the rest. To unhide, click on
of the selected query. Click
the “Back” button to go back to your query wizard menu.
This wizard helps you to find machines that have installed more than one instance of the type of software that has a similar name. This is especially useful when you have multiple copies of software instances, for example:
· Microsoft Office 2003 and Microsoft Office XP
· SQL Server 2000 with default instance name and SQL Server 2000 (Instance Name) with another instance name.
You can use this wizard to find out how many software licenses you need to purchase if there are more than one instance of the specified software being installed on a machine.
Go to “Find multiple software installation copy” under “Upgrade Advisor” from Query Wizard menu in Inventory Reports page.
To start a new query, type in a software name or a part of the software name into “Find keywords” text box. For example, type “Office” or “Microsoft Office” to filter the software list to only display software title that contains these keywords. Optionally, you can key in the keyword you want to exclude in the search to narrow down the software list.
For example, you want to find all software that has the name “Microsoft Office“, but do not want “Microsoft Office Web Component” to appear in the list. So, you can type in “Microsoft Office” under Find Keywords text box and type “Web Component” under Exclude keywords text box. Click “Find Now” button to begin the search.
From the returned software list, select the software title you want to find in all machine. You may select multiple software titles from the list. Then click “Find Machines” button to search for machines. The result table will be shown at the bottom of the page. The table will show the machine name and the selected software.
For example, I want to find machines that have multiple copies of Microsoft Office product. So, I typed “Microsoft Office” under “Find keywords” text box. Then from the narrowed down software list, I select only Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 and Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2.
Figure below shows a sample of the search result.
From here, I know that “VOSTRO 1088-ERIC” (my machine name) have installed both Microsoft Office product.
After you perform search using this wizard, you can save the search keywords so that you re-use it again in future. Each login user will maintain its own saved query for own usage only. Therefore, when you login to the system, you will only see the queries that you have saved previously, and not from other users.
To save your query, you have to key in your keywords then click “Save” or “Save As” button. You will then be prompted to save the query with a name of your choice.
To load the saved query, go to Query wizard menu (Inventory > Query Wizards). Select any query from “Saved Software Search” section. You can then run the query or edit keywords before searching.
To delete your query, click “Manage this list” from the
“Saved Software Search” section. Click to delete the query. You may also hide
any saved query by clicking
of the selected query. The query will
not be shown at your list. This can be useful if you only want to see only most
frequently used query and hide the rest. To unhide, click on
of the selected query. Click
the “Back” button to go back to your query wizard menu.
This wizard helps you to find duplicated machines in SAMLite. This is catered especially for users who have migrated from previous version of SAMLite (e.g. v4 or v4.5) where duplication of machine happens when the machine hostname name or domain is changed. In the current version, duplication will not happen due to hostname or domain name change as SAMLite now identify machine by its MAC address and checks whether the MAC address exists for this machine if it has multiple network adapters.
SAMLite searches for duplicated machine by their MAC address. In the wizard, we will show the list of machines for every MAC address. Figure below shows an example of the wizard.
Upon finding out these duplicated machines, you may then delete the unwanted machine record by selecting the check box of the machine and click the “Delete machine” button.
This wizard helps you to find machine that have stopped
updating for x number of days. To find machine that have not been updated for a
period of time, key in the duration (in days) under 'Stop updating for' box and
click the button.
If last discovered date is not shown at your page, select 'Last Discovered
Date' from more columns option.
The result will show you the list of machines that were not updated for more than x number of days as specified. Figure below shows an example of finding machine that were outdated for at least 1200 days.
This wizard helps you to find login history of a particular user. You can use this wizard to find the list of machines that a particular user has login before.
Specify the username or the user’s full name in the search box. Click “Search” button to start. Figure below shows an example of searching all users that have the letter “b” in their username or full name. Under table “Matching username”, click on any user to see the logged on machine.
Please refer to the separate License Management manual.
Please refer to the separate SAMLite Software Metering manual.
SAMLite supports manual and bulk entry of inventory besides those that are collected automatically by the collection method. You can create your own asset category called Configuration Item and create or import assets of that category.
Configuration item is a type of asset that you would like SAMLite to manage. One configuration item (CI) may be different from another CI due to different set of attributes a CI might have. For instance, you can create CI called “Print Server” and create another CI called “Router”. Print Server will have IP address and DPI attributes, while router have IP address and number of ports as its attributes. Both CI is different because the set of attributes between these two CI are different.
You need to create a new CI before you can add asset into the system. To add new CI, follow the steps below:
1. Go to “Other Assets” from the top menu. Click on “Create New CI” link.
2. Give a name to your CI and key in an optional description. Click the next button.
3. Then you will be re-directed to add new attributes to your new CI. Add an attributes for this CI by keying in a name in the attribute name field. Then click the Add button.
4. You may continue to add all the attributes in this page.
5. When you have finished adding all attributes, click on the “Other Assets” the top navigation menu to see the newly created CI.
To edit CI details, follow the steps below:
1. Go to “Other Assets” from the top menu.
2. Click into the CI that you wish to edit.
3. Click Edit Details.
4. Click Edit the button and start to make changes to your attribute’s value.
5. Click save button to save your changes.
6. You may also create an association with another CI. Click Create New Association button.
7. Select a CI from the drop down list and click Add button. Repeat to add more CI as needed.
An Asset is an item of a particular configuration item (CI). They represent the real asset in your organization.
To add new asset, follow the steps below:
1. Go to the CI page by clicking the CI name from the list of CI you have created in the main page.
2. Click New Asset, and key in your asset name. Click next to continue.
3. You will be re-directed to the detail page.
4. You can add information to your asset by keying in values to your attributes.
5. Click Save button to save your changes.
6. You may also assign your asset to department and location.
7. Click at the CI name at the navigation menu (CI > your CI name) to return to your CI page.
To edit asset details, follow the steps below:
1. Go to “Other Assets” from the top menu.
2. Click into the CI that you wish to edit.
3. Click into the asset that you wish to edit.
4. Click Edit the button and start to make changes to your attribute’s value.
5. Click save button to save your changes.
6. You may also create an association with another asset from associated CI that you have established.
7. You can see the list of asset you can add under Associated Assets.
8. Select one or more asset from other CI and click Add Asset button.
9. Repeat to link to more asset as needed.
SAMLite enables you to establish an association between two configuration items to reflect the relationship of your assets in the real world environment. One CI can be associated with one or more than one CIs. Associating assets in SAMLite gives you aggregation information of how many assets are linked to your asset and details of the associated assets in an easy to view format.
To associate an asset to another, you need to establish the association between the two configuration items first. Then you can proceed to associate assets of these two CIs.
To establish association between two configuration items, follow the steps below:
1. Go to “Other Assets” from the top menu.
2. Click into the CI that you wish to edit.
3. Click Edit Details.
4. Click Create New Association button.
5. Select a CI from the drop down list and click Add button. Repeat to add more CI as needed.
To associate assets, follow the steps below:
1. Go to “Other Assets” from the top menu.
2. Click into the CI that you wish to edit.
3. Click into the asset that you wish to edit.
4. You can see the list of asset you can add under Associated Assets.
5. Select one or more asset from other CI and click Add Asset button.
6. Repeat to link to more asset as needed.
There are two types of attributes:
1. General attributes – used in configuration item
2. Asset Attributes – used in asset
General attribute is an attribute at the root level. It is the meta data of all configuration items. For instance, you can create a general attribute called “Own By”. This attribute will be used to track who owns a particular CI. You can then assign “Jeff” as the owner of Print Server, while “Jane” as the owner of Router.
To create a general attribute, follow the steps below:
1. Go to Other Asset main page from top navigation menu.
2. Click Edit General Attribute.
3. You will see your existing general attributes (if any).
4. Key in a name for your attribute and click Add.
5. The newly created attribute will be added into the list.
Asset attribute is an attribute at the configuration item level. Attribute that is created in a configuration item will be unique to that CI and cannot be shared with other CI.
To create an asset attribute, follow the steps below:
1. Go to Other Asset main page from top navigation menu.
2. Click into a CI.
3. Click Edit Attribute.
4. Key in a name for your attribute and click Add.
5. The newly created attribute will be added into the list.
The system maintains a history of what has been changed for each asset in the database. You can view all the changes that were made since the asset is added into the system.
To view change by CI, follow the steps below:
1. Go to Other Asset main page from top navigation menu.
2. Click into a CI.
3. Click History Track.
4. You may then export the list into Microsoft Office Excel, or perform filter on your list.
For the Asset Expiry features to work you may need to change settings for the Asset’s Notification Config
Each asset has its own Expiry Notification Configuration page.
A Pattern Set is used by the system to figure out which attributes of an asset contain expiry dates and which attributes contain the renewal cost.
You can use up to three Pattern Sets which are numbered #1 to #3. If you want to use Set #1 you need to change the value for “Set #1 Enabled” to 1. Similar for the other sets you want to enable.
The patterns are “Regular Expressions”. Specifying a pattern of Lease Expiry by itself will match anything containing Lease Expiry. Specifying a pattern of Expiry Date$ will match anything ending with Expiry Date. The $ matches the end. The patterns are case insensitive, so Lease Expiry will match lease expiry and Lease expiry and LEASE EXPIRY.
Configure the Email Notification Schedule here.
For email notifications to work, the Schedule must be valid and enabled, and also the Email To: must be valid. Please also ensure that the correct SMTP server settings are configured at: Administration, System Settings, Configure Email Notification.
Click Save to save all settings.
After setting things up in the Notification Config, you can then use the asset expiry features in the Asset report. Select “Show expiring assets” to list assets that are expiring soon or have expired recently (controlled by the Days Before Expiry and Days After Expiry settings). Select “Show expired assets” to list assets that have expired. Select both to list assets that are expiring soon or have expired.
The estimated renewal cost text will appear if the assets have renewal cost attributes and the patterns are set up appropriately and there are expired/expiring machines.
Scan Agents must be installed in order for SNMP queries to be performed. Download Scan Agents via Administration, Scan Agents, Download Scan Agents.
To enable SNMP querying of assets by the Scan Agents the IP Address Attribute has to be configured and specified. For example if the attribute that contains the IP address for all Printers is called “Management IP” then enter Management IP as the value for IP Address Attribute.
Next specify the Default OIDs for each Attribute to be updated via SNMP.
You can also specify an OID Attribute which stores the alternative OID to use if a different OID is to be used for that asset. This can be necessary if the asset is a different model or type.
Currently SNMP queries are only done once a day for each query-able attribute.
To bulk import assets for a particular Configuration Item you can use the Import CI Wizard to upload a CSV file where the first line contains the column/attribute names and all the lines after are the data for each item.
Go to Other Assets, Import CI Wizard.
Then select the CI Type and press Proceed.
Choose a CSV file (first line = headers )and click upload
Then click on Proceed
To map unmapped columns right click on a source column on the left and select the destination column to be mapped to:
e.g. in the above screen shot Device Name was being mapped to Name.
Once done double click on the row with the “Name” column to mark it as the Primary Key
The Name columns will then be in bold.
When done click on Import
Then you can check the progress in the CI Import History report. The import process can take a while if there are very many items.
System Administration
This section allows the following tasks:
· Managing users and roles
· Managing companies
· Managing departments
· Managing locations
· Managing software views
· Managing custom field
· Managing Dormant User Account
· Configuring System Settings
· Managing Software Rules and Categories
· Managing the Warranty Updater
· Managing Scan Agents
Some tasks may be disabled/hidden from users without the required roles.
To see and manage SAMLite report, a valid user account needs to be created to login to the system. The user account will identify who is accessing the report and what the user can do to the inventory information. User role will determine what the user can do on the information. By default, a user will be given the privilege to view the report without the ability to make any changes to the information. To manipulate information like deleting machines and creating new user, the user role need to be elevated to the appropriate role that has the permission to perform these activities.
Supported user and role management are as follow:
· Create user account
· Modify user account
· Add and remove user roles
To create new user account, you must be a “User Account Manager”. A system administrator is also a user account manager by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “User Account and Roles” section, click “Create User” link. Here are the steps to create new user account:
1. Type in a name under the username text box and click “Check User Name” button. The system will check for any existing user name before you can use the name.
2. If the username has been used, you have to provide another name.
3. Once your username is available, type in the password and repeat that password.
4. *Optional. You may enter other information like email, phone no, fax and address.
5. *Optional. You may select “Lock out this user” check box to disable this user from logging into to the system until she is unlocked by any user account manager.
6. Click “Create User” button to create this new user account. Or you may check “Skip assigning role after creating this user” button to continue to create new user account.
7. After creating the account, you have to assign a role to the user. By default, the user will be given the restricted privilege role group called “Reporting Users”. You may give the user a higher role group like “System Administrator” or “Inventory Administrator” or customize her role by adding specific roles to her account.
8. To create another user account, click “Skip assigning role and create another user” button. This will lead you back to the create user page.
After creating the new user account, the user can start to login to the system in immediate effect.
To modify user account, you must be a “User Account Manager”. A system administrator is also a user account manager by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “User Account and Roles” section, click “Edit/Delete User” link. Here are the activities you can perform under this page:
· Rename username
· Lock out user account
· Reset password
· Delete user
Here are the steps to rename a user’s username:
1. Click on a username of the left pane. The selected username will be shown at the right pane.
2. Click “Rename” link to activate the username.
3. Rename the username and click “Save” button.
4. The username will be renamed in immediate effect.
Here are the steps to lock out a user account:
1. Click on a username of the left pane. The selected username will be shown at the right pane.
2. Check “Is locked out” check box to lock out this user.
3. Click “Save” button
4. The user account will be locked out in immediate effect.
Here are the steps to reset a user password:
1. Click on a username of the left pane. The selected username will be shown at the right pane.
2. Click “Reset Password” button to prompt you the form to change password
3. Type in the new password and repeat the password.
4. Click “Save Password” button.
5. The user’s password is changed in immediate effect.
Here are the steps to delete a user account:
1. Click on a username of the left pane. The selected username will be shown at the right pane.
2. Click “Delete this user” button. Click “Yes” to confirm your deletion or “No” to cancel this operation.
3. The user account is deleted in immediate effect.
You cannot rename, lock out and delete the “administrator” account as this is the default user in SAMLite. You can only reset the administrator account password. It is strongly encouraged to change the administrator password once you have created more than one user in the system to avoid anonymous user to guess its default password. Default password for “administrator” account is “password”.
To modify user account, you must be a “User Account Manager” and “User Role Manager”. A system administrator is also a user account manager and user role manager by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “User Account and Roles” section, click “Add/Remove User Roles” link. Here are the steps to add and remove user roles:
1. Click on a username of the left pane. The selected user’s role list will be shown at the right pane.
2. You may do either one of these steps to assign roles to a user:
a. You can select any role group for this user. This is the easiest way to assign the list of roles to a user. For example, you can click “Be a system administrator” link to assign this user with System administrator role. System administrator role has the full privilege in the system. You may see the role description for more details on each role group rights.
b. Alternatively, you can select “Be a custom role users” to add only the necessary roles to a user. For example, if you want the user to only the privilege to manipulate location but do not want her to have the rights to manipulate company and department, you can assign only “Location Moderator” role to her, while remove “Company Moderator” and “Department Moderator” from her role list.
3. The new role will take effect immediately when you select the specific role or role group to the user.
Select “Enable” if you want to enable AD/LDAP authentication. Note: if no LDAP Configurations are enabled the login screen will revert to using the normal Form Authentication.
Enable Auto Create Users if you want to automatically create SAMLite accounts for AD/LDAP users upon successful login. If you enable this, all users that can login using the AD/LDAP will be able to login and use the SAMLite system. They will be assigned the reporting user role and the Template User’s view permissions. If Auto Create Users is not enabled, users will see an “Unauthorized user” message even if they enter the correct credentials. Their accounts won’t be created and you will have to create the accounts for them before they can login.
Enable Lock Out Auto Created Users if you want auto-created users be locked out when their accounts are created. Their accounts will be created if Auto Create Users is enabled but they can’t log in. This allows you to set up the roles and permissions for the users before unlocking their account and letting them use the account.
If you are creating users manually, the SAMLite username format must be ConfigName\username where ConfigName is the name of the LDAP Configuration Item, and username is the user name the users will use for logging in. For example create a SAMLite user called: ADTEST\tempuser for a user called tempuser that logs in using the LDAP config ADTEST.
Specify the Template User to use as a base for autocreated users. The Template User’s department and location access settings will be copied for auto-created users.
For Active Directory authentication you normally only need
to specify the Name, Default Domain, LDAP URLs and Auth
Type = Microsoft. An LDAP URL is in the format: LDAP://<The Active
Directory Domain or Server Address>/<Path>. If your
Active Directory domain is test.com the URL could be:
If all the users that are allowed to use SAMLite are in an OU called SAMLite
Users the URL could be: LDAP://test.com/OU=SAMLite Users,DC=test,DC=com
If you need to match only users in a security group you will need to specify a
custom search filter. For example: (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=@username)(memberof=CN=SAMLite
When configuring for LDAP Authentication you usually only need to specify the Name, LDAP URLs, Auth Type, Bind DN and Bind Pass. Auth Type = Anon is no authentication at all. Use Auth Type None/Basic for simple Bind DN authentication. Use Auth Type TLS if TLS is being used (keep the URL as LDAP:// and not LDAPS://). Note that the certificate has to be recognized by the SAMLite server. If you are using a custom CA you will need to add the CA’s certificate to the SAMLite server’s Trusted Root Certificate Authorities. STARTTLS is not supported.
More than one LDAP URL can be specified, separate them with “|”. But they must use the same Auth Type, Bind DN and Bind Pass. If each URL is inaccessible the next URL will be tried.
The defaults for the following parameters if left blank:
Search Filter |
(|(uid=@username)(SAMAccountName=@username)) |
Search Properties |
samaccountname,objectsid,mail,cn,displayname,dn,distinguishedname, facsimileTelephoneNumber,mobile,telephoneNumber,streetAddress,uid,gecos |
Property Map |
samaccountname=UserName,objectsid=UserSID,mail=Email,displayname=FullName, distinguishedname=Description,facsimileTelephoneNumber=FaxNo,mobile=MobileNo, telephoneNumber=PhoneNo,streetAddress=Location,dn=DN,uid=UserName, cn=FullName,gecos=GECOS |
For the Search Filter the string “@username” is replaced by the user name specified when logging in. The default search filter might work for most AD and LDAP configurations.
The Search Properties are the LDAP properties/attributes fetched when searching for the username that’s being used to login.
The Property Map specifies how those fetched LDAP properties/attributes are mapped to SAMLite parameters. e.g. samaccountname will be converted to UserName. Mobile will be converted to MobileNo. Some of these parameters will be used when auto creating the user. The format is attribute1=ParameterName,attribute2=ParameterName2,attribute3=ParameterName2. More than one attribute can map to the same parameter. But a single attribute cannot be mapped to more than one parameter.
The GECOS parameter is a special case that has multiple sub fields delimited by commas. These subfields will be mapped as follows: FullName, Location, PhoneNo, FaxNo.
You can create a company structure similar to how your organization’s company hierarchy is currently constructed. For example, your organization may have a child company that you want SAMLite to manage its hardware and software inventory. Create a company as a child company under your organization name. Thus, SAMLite will be able to store and let you to administer both your organization and the child company’s inventory information in a single reporting console. Nevertheless, SAMLite does not limit you to only create company under a parent company. You may have a sister company that sits side by side to your organization. Create another company in SAMLite but does not arrange it under your organization. Thus, SAMLite will be managing two parent companies.
Supported company management options are as follows:
· Create new company
· Modify company details
· Set default company
To create new company, you must be a “Company Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a company moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Company” section, click “Create Company” link. Here are the steps to create new company:
1. Go to Step 1: Give a name for your new company, type in a company name.
2. Optional*. From Step 3: Select a parent company (optional); select a company to be the parent company for you new company. If you do not select any company, your new company will be created as a root level company (company that has no parent).
3. Click “Check Company Name”. The system will check whether your company name is available for usage. The availability is determined whether your new company name has already exists under the selected parent company/root level.
4. Click “Create Company” button.
5. The new company will be created in immediate effect.
To modify company details, you must be a “Company Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a company moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Company” section, click “Edit/Delete Company” link. Here are the steps to modify company details:
1. Select a company from the left pane. The selected company details will be shown at the right pane.
2. You may change any details in the form and click “Save” button to commit the changes.
3. To delete the company, click “Delete This Company” button. Click “OK” to proceed with the deletion, while clicking “Cancel” will cancel this operation.
4. Once a company is deleted, all the underlying departments will be deleted as well.
5. The company will be deleted in immediate effect.
To set a company as the default company, you must be a “Company Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a company moderator by default. Assigning a company as the default company in SAMLite simplified other manual administration work that involve selecting company in its operation, as if you do not select any company, the default company understood by SAMLite is the default company chosen by you here. By default, the default company is the company called “Default”. You may assign another company as the default company, as this is the purpose of this section.
Go to the administration page. Under “Company” section, click “Set Default Company” link. Here are the steps to assign a default company:
1. The page will first show you current default company.
2. To select another company as the default company, click on the company from “Choose a new default company” list, and click “Set As Default Company” button.
3. The selected company will be assigned as the default company in SAMLite in immediate effect.
You can create locations in SAMLite that reflect the how your organization’s branches/remote offices are currently located. Creating location and assigning machines to location gives you a better organization and manageability perspective to oversee your current inventory base.
Supported location management are as follows:
· Create new location
· Modify location details
· Delete location
· Assign machine to location
· Map IP address to location
· Authorize user to location
· Bulk Import Locations
· Location Notification Configuration
To create new location, you must be a “Location Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a location moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Location” section, click “Create Location” link. Here are the steps to create new location:
1. Under “Create Location” section, key in the new location name and click “Check Name” button to check for the name availability.
2. Optional*. If the name is available for use, you may key in the rest of the location details.
3. Click “Create Location” button.
4. The new location will be shown on the location list “Existing Location” shown at the left pane of the page.
To edit location details, you must be a “Location Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a location moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Location” section, click “Edit Location” link. Here are the steps to edit location details:
1. Select a location from the list of existing location at the left pane. The details will be shown at the right pane.
2. You may then make any changes to the details and click “Save” button to save the changes.
3. The changes will be in effect immediately.
To delete location, you must be a “Location Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a location moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Location” section, click “Location Summary” link. Here are the steps to delete existing location:
1. Check one or more check boxes of the locations you wish to delete.
Click “Delete
selected location”. Click OK button to proceed with the deletion, while
clicking Cancel button will cancel the deletion.
3. If the location contains any machines, these machines will be moved to “Unassigned” location. However, you cannot delete the “Unassigned” location as that is the built-in/default location in the system.
To assign machine to location, you must be a “Location Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a location moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Location” section, click “Assign machine to location” link. Here are the steps to do that:
1. Select the machine you want to assign to a location. There are two ways to select the desired machines. You can use either one of these options for different situations.
a. Check one or more check boxes of the machines that you wish to assign to a location. Important! You can only select multiple machines that are displayed in the list of the same page. You cannot select machines across pages. For example, you have chosen 3 machines from page 1 of the machine list, and then you click on page 2 to choose 2 other machines. If you do so, those machines you have selected in page 1 will not be in the list of machines you have selected. When you assign these machines to location, only 2 machines from page 2 will be assigned. Thus, you have to select machines from the same page then assign to a location, then you repeat the same steps on other pages.
b. Check “Select all machines filtered by selected location(s)”. This option is the simplified way to select all machines that were previously assigned to the location(s) that you have selected at department filter. This option is only suitable to move machines from location to another location AND you have filtered the machine list by using the location filter (Filter machine by location). For example, I want to re-assign all machines from location SINGAPORE to BANGKOK. Instead of selecting each check box of my machines from Singapore, I can firstly filter my machine list to only from Singapore. Then I check the “Select all machines filtered by selected location(s)” check box to tell the system that I want to select all machines from Singapore automatically.
2. Then I click “Select Location” button at the top left of the page to display the list of available locations.
3. Select the target location and click “OK” button to start to assign machines to the target location.
4. The selected machines will be assigned to the target location in immediate effect.
To do this operation, you must be a “Location Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a location moderator by default. This operation is another alternative method to assign machines to a location. This method leverages on machine’s IP address to determine which location the machine will be assigned to. The assignment will be performed by Import Service when the machine is being updated.
To use this method, the administrator firstly needs to define the range of IP address to be mapped to a location. Whenever a machine from that range of IP address is updated either via passive collection, active scan or Microsoft SMS synchronization, the machine will be assigned to the designated location.
Go to the administration page. Under “Location” section, click “Map IP Address to Location” link. Here are the steps to define your IP address- location mapping:
1. Click “Add” link at the top of the page.
2. Under Step 1: Key in an IP range, type in the range of IP address you want to assign to a particular location.
3. Under Step 2: Select a location to be mapped to the IP range, select a location that you want that IP range to be mapped to.
4. Optional*. You may check “Overwrite assigned machines” to overwrite machine’s location for subsequent machine update. Un-checking it will tell the system to not to update the machine’s location if they have being assigned one.
5. Click “Add” button at the bottom of the page to add the mapping into the system.
6. The Import Service will use your mapping and update any machines with IP address of that range to the selected location on your pre-defined schedule.
Go to the administration page. Under “Location” section, click “Map IP Address to Location” link. Here are the steps to see your existing mapping summary:
1. Click “Summary” link at the top of the page.
2. If you have defined any mapping previously, you will see all your mapping settings at this page.
Under this page, you can force the mapping to
run manually now by clicking “Assign location for
this IP mapping” of the specific mapping. Or you can click
“Run all IP mapping assignment now” to run all existing mapping.
4. You will see a status message informing you total number of machines being updated after running the assignment.
Go to the administration page. Under “Location” section, click “Map IP Address to Location” link. Here are the steps to edit your existing mapping record:
1. Click “Edit” link at the top of the page.
You will see the list of IP-location mapping at
the left pane. Click of any mapping to see
its details at the right pane.
3. You may then make any changes to your selected mapping and click “Save” button to save your settings.
4. The changes will take effect immediately.
Go to the administration page. Under “Location” section, click “Map IP Address to Location” link. Setting up the schedule enables SAMLite Import Service to run your mapping automatically on your specified date and time. Thus, you do not need to manually assign machine to location in a continuous manner. Here are the steps to set up the mapping schedule:
1. Click “Auto assign settings” link at the top of the page.
2. Check the check box of “Enable auto assign by schedule”. By default, it is un-checked to disable this functionality.
3. Key in the number of days you want to run this auto assignment under the Interval (in days) text box. For example, if you key in 2 days, the system will auto assign machine to location based on IP address every 2 days.
4. Select your desired time of the day to run the assignment.
5. Click “Save” button to save the settings.
To do this operation, you must be a “Location Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a location moderator by default. The administrator can determine the location(s) that a particular user can access. This allows any user the access rights to see and manipulate inventory information only from the authorized locations.
Go to the administration page. Under “Location” section, click “Authorize User to Locations” link. Here are the steps to authorize a user to location(s):
1. You will see the list of users on the left pane. Select a user to see the existing location(s) that this user is authorized to access on the right pane.
2. You may check and un-check any location you want this user to access. Un-checking any location will prevent access the user to access the location, and vice versa.
3. Click “Save” button to save the settings.
4. The changes will be in effect immediately.
This feature allows you to create Locations and IP to Location mappings from a tab-delimited text file or CSV file.
The first line of the file should contain the column names, and the rest of the lines should contain the corresponding data for those columns.
Example #1:
Location Building State Country
MY-ISA-KL-1 1 First Avenue Selangor Malaysia
AU-ISA-HQ-1 Systems Research Centre Western Australia Australia
AU-ISA-DC-1 ISA Data Centre 1 Western Australia Australia
Example #2 with IP Ranges for IP to Location mapping:
Location IP Range Building
MY-ISA-KL-1 10.10.1 1 First Avenue
MY-ISA-KL-1 172.16 1 First Avenue
AU-ISA-HQ-1 Systems Research Centre
AU-ISA-DC-1 ISA Data Centre 1
AU-ISA-DC-1 ISA Data Centre 1
Multiple IP Ranges can be specified for each location. However if multiple entries for other details are specified for each location the later entries will overwrite the earlier ones.
Location – used to specify the Location name
Address, Building, City, Country, Level, Postcode, Region, State – for specifying Location details
IP Range – for specifying IP ranges for IP to Location mappings.
Supported IP Range formats :
IP Range format |
Resulting IP range |
10. | to |
10.23 | to |
10.23.44 | to | | to | | to |
Overwrite – for specifying whether the IP to Location mapping should overwrite or not. Supported values are True or False. An unsupported or blank value is equivalent to the default setting which is controlled by the “IP range mapping overwrites by default” upload setting.
To create a comma separated values (CSV) file using Excel:
Example for bulk uploading Location details
To create a tab-delimited, UTF-8 encoded text file using Excel:
Example for bulk uploading Location details
In this section you can configure Location Notifications. These allow periodic emailed reports of machines that have moved beyond their assigned locations.
Check Days is the number of days that the system will look in the location history to see if the machine has left a location. The last known location will always be considered.
Examples: Check Days = 0 means only the last known location will be considered and the location history will not be used. If Check Days is set to 30 and a machine has been detected to have left a location within 30 days but has returned it will show up in the report.
Accuracy is in metres. The default value is 500. This means that geolocation data that has an accuracy uncertainty that’s higher than 500m will be ignored. So if a machine appears to have left a location but the geolocation accuracy is higher than 500m, this data will be ignored.
For Email Subject and Email Body, any occurrences of [MachineCount] will be replaced by the number of machines that are considered to have roamed and left their assigned locations.
Example: specifying an Email Subject of: Roaming Machines: [MachineCount] will result in an email subject of: Roaming Machines: 12, if the number of roaming machines is 12.
You can create hierarchy of department that reflects how your current organization structure is laid out in SAMLite. Creating department and assigning machines to department gives you a better organization and manageability perspective to oversee your current inventory base.
Supported department management options are as follows:
· Create new department
· Modify department details
· Change parent department
· Change department’s company
· Assign machine to department
· Auto assign machine to department by Active Directory user
· Map IP address to department
· Authorize user access to certain departments
To create new department, you must be a “Department Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a department moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Department” section, click “Create Department” link. Here are the steps to create new department:
1. Under step 1 and 2: Give a name for your new department, key in your new department name.
2. Optional*. Under step 3: choose a company/ parent department, select a department in which you want your new department to be under. If you do not specify any department as the parent department, the new department will be at the root level of the selected company/ default company.
3. Click “Check Existence” button to check for department name availability.
4. Optional*. If the name is available, you may fill in the rest of the fields like division, description, head of department, etc.
5. Click “Create Department” to create your new department based on the name you have specified.
To edit or delete existing department, you must be a “Department Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a department moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Department” section, click “Edit/Delete Department” link.
To edit a department details, click “Edit Department” link at the top of the page. Here are the steps to modify department details:
1. Select a department from the left pane. The information about the selected department will be shown at the right pane. You cannot modify the default “Unassigned” department that is available in every company.
2. You may then make any changes to the department details.
3. Click “Save” button to save the changes.
4. The changes will be reflected to the selected department in immediate effect.
To delete a department, click “Delete Department” link at the top of the page. Here are the steps to delete department:
1. Under Step 1: choose one or more departments to delete, check the check box of your department or multiple departments.
2. Deleting a department that has children will delete all the children as well. Machines that are under these departments will be re-assigned to the “Unassigned” department of your default company. You may choose to move to another department by clicking “Change destination department” link and select the desired department.
3. Click “Delete selected departments”. The system will move the machines from the selected departments to your desired department before deleting these machines.
4. The deletion of these department(s) will take effect immediately.
To change parent department, you must be a “Department Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a department moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Department” section, click “Change Parent Department” link. Here are the steps to change parent for a department:
1. Under Step 1: Select a department to change its parent, select the department that you wish to change its parent.
2. Under Step 2: Select a parent department; select the target parent for the selected department.
3. Click “Change” button.
4. The department’s new parent will take effect immediately.
To a department’s company, you must be a “Department Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a department moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Department” section, click “Change Company” link. Here are the steps to change the company for the department:
1. Under Step 1: Select one or more departments, select one or more departments that you wish to change its company.
2. Under Step 2: Select a destination company; select the target company for the selected department(s).
3. Click “Change” button.
4. The selected department(s) company will take effect immediately.
To assign machines to department, you must be a “Department Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a department moderator by default. There are 3 methods to assign machines to department. This section introduces the most straight forward method to do this.
Go to the administration page. Under “Department” section, click “Assign machine to department” link. Here are the steps to assign machine to department:
1. Select the machine you want to assign to a department. There are two ways to select the desired machines. You can use either one of these options for different situations.
a. Check one or more check boxes of the machines that you wish to assign to a department. Important! You can only select multiple machines that are displayed in the list of the same page. You cannot select machines across pages. For example, you have chosen 3 machines from page 1 of the machine list, and then you click on page 2 to choose 2 other machines. If you do so, those machines you have selected in page 1 will not be in the list of machines you have selected. When you assign these machines to department, only 2 machines from page 2 will be assigned. Thus, you have to select machines from the same page then assign to a department, then you repeat the same steps on other pages.
b. Check “Select all machines filtered by selected department(s)”. This option is the simplified way to select all machines that were previously assigned to the department(s) that you have selected at department filter. This option is only suitable to move machines from department to another department AND you have filtered the machine list by using the department filter (Filter machine by department). For example, I want to re-assign all machines from department SALES to MARKETING. Instead of selecting each check box of my Sales machines, I can firstly filter my machine list to only from sales department. Then I check the “Select all machines filtered by selected department(s)” check box to tell the system that I want to select all machines from my Sales department automatically.
2. Then I click “Assign to…” button at the bottom left of the page to display the list of available departments.
3. Select the target department and click “OK” button to start to assign machines to the target department.
4. The selected machines will be assigned to the target department in immediate effect.
To do this operation, you must be a “Department Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a department moderator by default. This operation is an alternative method to assign machines to a department by leveraging on active directory user. The administrator needs to upload a specialized mapping file to the system in order for the system to run the auto assignment.
The uploaded file contains each Active Directory user’s name and the department of the user. By using this file, SAMLite takes the mapping of user to department to map the machine in which the user has used before to the department. To obtain this mapping file, the administrator needs to manually generate it using a script (VB Script) provided by default in SAMLite. You can get the script (user.vbs) from “UserDeptScript” folder under SAMLite installation directory. Here are the steps to generate the mapping file:
1. Bring the script (user.vbs) to any of your Active Directory server (AD server) that host the global catalogue.
2. Run the script (by double click the file) at the AD server.
3. The result file will be the mapping file called “users.xml” located at the root of C: drive. You can rename the file to any name you desired in a later date.
Go to the administration page. Under “Department” section, click “Auto Assign machine to Department by AD user” link. Here are the steps to run auto assign machine to department:
1. Under “Upload an AD User-Department file” section, click the browse button to select the mapping file to be uploaded onto the system. Click “Upload” to upload the file.
2. The uploaded file will be shown at the “Uploaded file(s)” table.
3. Click “Open and Analyze” of the uploaded file.
4. An analysis report will be shown at the bottom the upload file table to show the content of the uploaded file.
5. Follow section below: Analyzing mapping file content
The analysis shows the content of the mapping file. There’s a few important information from the analysis table:
· Currently loaded mapping file
· Number of AD users detected
· Number of unique department
· Number of records assignable – how many AD users from the mapping file that have direct mapping to existing departments in SAMLite.
· Number of records not-assignable – the opposite of Number of records assignable
There will be 2 tables showing on this page. On the left table, shows the list of departments detected from the mapping file while on the right table shows the list of users from the mapping file.
the department table (left table), the systems tells you what are the
departments found in the mapping file and whether they have being created in SAMLite
or not. You have the option to create them as new department in the system.
Creating these departments will increase number of records assignable higher as
more user-department mapping can be found now. You may also have the option to
change the company for the department that are about to be created by clicking
the icon to select another company. By
default new department will be created under the default company that you have
On the users table (right table), the system tells you who the users found in the mapping file and whether their machine can be assigned to department or not. To increase the chances of user assignable to a department, ensure each user is assigned a department at the Active Directory. Alternatively, you can modify the mapping file to assign a department for specific user without making any changes at the Active Directory level.
You may also opt to overwrite or not to overwrite machine that previously already being assigned to a department by checking the “Overwrite assigned records” check box if you want to run the mapping file multiple times or running an updated mapping file in a later date.
When you have confirmed all the settings are correct, click “Commit Auto Assign” button. The machine will be assigned to the designated department determined by user-department mapping from the mapping file. The system will also show the number of machine successfully being assigned.
To do this operation, you must be a “Department Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a department moderator by default. The administrator can determine the department(s) that a particular user can access. This allows any user the access rights to see and manipulate inventory information only from the authorized departments.
Go to the administration page. Under “Department” section, click “Authorize User to Departments” link. Here are the steps to authorize a user to department(s):
5. You will see the list of users on the left pane. Select a user to see the existing department(s) that this user is authorized to access on the right pane.
6. You may check and un-check any department you want this user to access. Un-checking any department will prevent access the user to access the department, and vice versa.
7. Click “Save” button to save the settings.
8. The changes will be in effect immediately.
There are a few configurations you or an administrator can tweak in SAMLite to ensure its internal operations are running smoothly.
Here is the list of supported configurations:
· System options
· Configure share folder
· Configure email notification
· Configure GeoLocation settings
· Configure maintenance settings
· Configure machine status
· Configure inactive machine deletion
· Configure database log truncation
· Configure database indexes re-build
· Manage SAMLite licenses
In this page are the following sections
· General Settings – for configuring the local time zone offset
· Maintenance Settings – for configuring maintenance settings, like the number of log files to keep.
· System Logs – for viewing the SAMLite Web Dashboard system logs
To access this page you must have the “Configuration Manager” role. A system administrator or inventory administrator has the configuration manager role by default.
This section allows you to periodically delete old unwanted logs or data in order to reduce storage usage and/or increase performance.
Application log refers to the SAMLite Web Dashboard log files. Import service log refers to SAMLite Import Service log files. You can configure the maximum number of application log and import service log respectively before older logs are being deleted from the system. For example, you set 20 logs for application log. Thus, when the system detects that there are 21 logs or more in the log directory, the oldest log will be deleted, leaving the latest 20 logs to remain in the log directory.
Status History refers to Import History, Machine OS History, Machine Process History and Machine Event History. Enabling Status History Maintenance and setting it to 90 days will cause SAMLite to delete all status history data older than 90 days on a daily basis.
This section allows you to view the SAMLite Web Dashboard system logs. You can use the Max Log Level drop down to set the maximum log detail level. You can also search for logs or set a time range for the logs.
To configure share folder, you must be a “Configuration Manager”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a configuration manager by default. The share folder is the folder in which all incoming inventory file (xml files) from passive collection, active scan and Microsoft SM/SCCM synchronization will temporary reside. Configuring the share folder tells the system the path in which Import Service will listen for incoming xml files for processing.
You might not have created the folder or you might want to use another folder
as the destination of your incoming xml files. Create the folder first by
following the steps below before proceeding with the configuration:
1. Create a folder at any location.
2. Share the folder out with a name. For example, SAMShare$. The dollar sign ($) appended at the folder share name will hide this share folder from other users.
3. Give “Everyone” the read and write permission to this folder under sharing permission and NTFS permission.
4. Test the folder from SAMLite server and other machine to make sure that the share folder is accessible and writable by everyone.
Go to the Configuration page. Click “Configure share
folder” link. Here are the steps to configure share folder:
1. Type in the path of your share folder in UNC format. For example, \\myserver\SAMShare$.
2. Click “Test folder” link to test whether you can open the share folder from the SAMLite server.
3. Click “Save” button to save your configuration.
To configure email notification, you must be a “Configuration Manager”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a configuration manager by default. The Configure Email Notification page allows configuration of various settings for the Email Notifications for changes in hardware and software. You can configure the email address and the schedule in which you want the email to be sent out. There are few settings for this configuration.
The SMTP Server settings configured here will also be used for other email notifications (e.g. software expiry notifications, software category/blacklist notifications).
Go to the Configuration page. Click “Configure Email Notification” link. Here are the steps to configure this setting:
1. Check “Yes” on “Enable Notification” section.
2. Select the types of hardware and software changes you wish to be sent to the receiver from “select content to notify”.
Under configure “Configure SMTP Server”, key in
the receiver email address. Set the email priority and check the “Is Body HTML”
if you would like to send the content in HTML.
4. Under “Schedule” section, select your preferred duration and time of the email to be sent to the receiver.
5. Click on “Send Now” if you want the email to be sent instantly.
6. Click on “Save” button to save your configurations.
After you have saved your settings, you try to send an email to the defined receiver by clicking “Send Now” button. The receiver will receive an email of hardware and software changes if there is any changes record that haven’t been sent out before. The emails that have been sent out will not be re-sent again.
To configure GeoLocation settings, you must be a “Configuration Manager”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a configuration manager by default.
In the GeoLocation configuration page you can enable or disable the GeoLocation feature. Enabling the GeoLocation feature may be illegal in some countries especially without informed consent of those whose location information is being gathered.
The GeoLocation Tracking Default controls whether GeoLocation information is updated by default or not. If it is “Off” then by default no machine’s GeoLocation information will be updated. If it is “On” then by default all machines GeoLocation information will be updated. You can override the default behavior on a per machine basis from the Machine Summary page.
The Google Geolocation API Key is for getting the latitude and longitude of machines.
The Geocoding API Keys are for getting the address of machines from their latitude and longitude.
The GeoLocation Address Caching Configuration section allows you to enable address caching and specify the URL, keys and age for a GeoLocation Address Cache. Address caching allows you to reduce the usage of the Google/Bing API Keys and possibly reduce costs.
GeoLocation caching is only supported if your SAMLite maintenance is not expired.
In this page you can also delete all GeoLocation History for all machines.
By enabling this feature, the system will automatically change machine status to inactive if the machine is outdated for the duration specified below. This will also enable the system to automatically change machine status back to active when the machine is updated again. Retired machine will remain unchanged.
By enabling this feature, the system will automatically delete machine records that are inactive/outdated for the duration specified below. Be cautious when enabling this feature as deleted machines are not recoverable. Retired machine will remain unchanged.
By enabling this feature, the system will automatically truncate SAMLite's database log to remove unnecessary space in the database log. Doing so clears up server disk space by decreasing log file size, directly help to improve server and application performance.
By enabling this feature, the system will automatically re-build SAMLite's database indexes improve application performance.
this page you can manage the SAMLite server licenses. To upload a SAMLite
license file, click on “Choose file” to pick the file then click on
Once the license is uploaded you have to “Select” it to use it. Click on the desired license’s “Select” link in the “Action” column.
Click “OK” to confirm you want to use the selected license.
You should then see the “License selected successfully” and the selected license is now in bold text.
To delete licenses from the list of licenses select the desired licenses using the check boxes as below:
Then click on “DeleteLicenses”, you should see a confirmation
Click “OK” to confirm you wish to delete the selected licenses.
As of Build 2.0 there are Software Rules and Categories. The SAMLite system has a default set of rules which can be changed/customized. When new software is detected the system will go through the rules and if the software matches a rule it is assigned to the category and license type specified by the rule, and the rest of the rules are skipped if the rule has the “skip rest” directive enabled. Each software can only have one license type but it can belong to multiple software categories.
Rules are matched by name and publisher case-insensitive match patterns. Wildcards like % and _ can be specified. The % wildcard character matches any string of zero or more characters. The _ wildcard character matches any single character. If there are no wildcards the rule will only match if the strings are the same.
For example a software item with the name of “ABC1234” will match the following matches:
a) abc1234
b) abc123_
c) ab%
d) %c12%
e) %234
f) Abc%1234
g) Abc_23%
h) %abc1234%
But it will not match the following
a) abc 1234
b) abc123__
c) %abc% %234%
d) abc_1234
Rules are matched in order:
With the above example rules a software item called “VISA Intranet v2” will match the first rule (#1) and be assigned a license type of Free, and added to the “Intranet Software” category. Then since “Skip Rest” is not checked it will also match the second rule (#2) and be assigned a license type of NonFree and added to the “Content Management” category. A software can only have one license type but belong to multiple categories. So “VISA Intranet v2” will only have a NonFree license type, and belong to “Intranet Software” AND “Content Management” categories.
This page allows you to view and manage blacklist rules. Software that match these blacklist rules will be assigned to the built-in Blacklisted category which has notifications enabled by default (however the email notification schedule and settings have to be configured appropriately first before email notifications can actually be sent successfully).
Click on Edit rules to edit the rules. Download Rules to download and backup the existing Blacklist rules (in text file with a tab delimited format).
To add a new rule, click on Add Rule.
To edit a specific rule, click on “Edit” in the rule’s action column, and save to stop editing.
Once you are done with the edits and satisfied click on “Apply Rules” to save and apply the rules. Your new changes and rules, or any uploaded rules will NOT be saved if you do not apply the rules
This page allows you to view and manage user software rules. It is recommended that you create your custom rules here and not the at the “Manage System Software Rules” page.
Click on Download Rules to download and backup the existing user software rules.
Click on Edit Rules to edit the rules. Click on Upload Rules to upload/restore rules.
To add a new rule, click on Add Rule.
To edit a specific rule, click on “Edit” in the rule’s action column, then save to stop editing that rule. Be sure to enable “Skip Rest” on a particular rule if you do not want any rules after this rule to match once a software item matches this rule.
Once you are done with the edits and satisfied click on “Apply Rules” to save and apply the rules. Your new changes and rules, or any uploaded rules will NOT be saved if you do not apply the rules
If there are many rules or very many different detected software applying the rules may take a few minutes and you will see the following message “Still applying rules to all software, please wait…”:
This is similar to the User Software Rules page except that this is for System Software rules. It is recommended that you create your custom rules using the User Software Rules page and not this page, and only use this to backup system software rules or upload updated system software rules.
This section allows you to manage Software Categories (which are used by the software rules system). You can create, rename and delete user software categories (but you cannot rename/delete existing system software categories – just change their description, disable/enable notification).
This section allows you to configure the Software Category Notification Schedule. You also need to ensure the SMTP Server setting in “System Settings, Configure Email Notification” is set and correct.
When configured and enabled, email notifications will be sent according to the schedule if the system finds machines with software installed that belong to Software Categories that have notification enabled (in Manage Software Categories). The email notifications will include an attachment listing the relevant machines. If no machines are found, no email is sent even if the scheduled time is reached.
(Note: Software Views are deprecated as of Build 2.0, use Software Categories and Rules to group software)
You can create views to group related software into the same category to simplify your reporting work in SAMLite. Categorizing software view provides you the ability to filter down your viewing list of software list which is commonly very long in nature. For example, you can create a view called “Microsoft Office Applications” to group all of your Microsoft Office products like Office Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.
There are built-in four views under SAMLite called Unclassified, Ignore, Authorized and Unauthorized. By default, all new software will be classified as Unclassified. There’s no special functions for software that is grouped under these views, SAMLite create them as the “must have” view in the system.
Software can be grouped to one or more view. For example, I can add Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 into a view called “Microsoft Office Application”. I would also like to add it to a view called “Authorized” for my reporting need. I might later add this software to “Microsoft” view where I group all products from Microsoft into this view.
Supported view management are as follows:
· Create new view
· Modify view details
· Delete view
· Add software to view
· Change software’s view
To create new view, you must be a “Software View Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a view moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Software View” section, click “Create New View” link. Here are the steps to create new view:
1. Under “Create View” section, key in a new name for your view.
2. Click “Check Name” to check for view name availability.
3. If the name is available to use, you may fill in the description and click “Create View” button.
4. The new view is created and can been seen from “Existing View” list shown on the left pane.
To modify view details, you must be a “Software View Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a view moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Software View” section, click “Edit View” link. Here are the steps to edit view:
1. Select a view from the left pane. The details will be shown at the right pane.
2. You may then edit its name and description.
3. Click “Save” button. The changes will be reflected immediately.
To delete views, you must be a “Software View Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a view moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Software View” section, click “View Summary” link. Here are the steps to delete view:
1. Check one or more check boxes of the software you want to delete.
Click “Delete
selected view” to delete your selected views.
3. All software inside the deleted view will be re-classified as the default view - Unclassified.
To add software to one or more views, you must be a “Software View Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a view moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Software View” section, click “Add Software’s View” link. Here are the steps to add software to a view:
1. Select the software you want to assign to a view. There are two ways to select the desired software. You can use either one of these options for different situations.
a. Check one or more check boxes of the software that you wish to assign to a view. Important! You can only select multiple software titles that are displayed in the list of the same page. You cannot select software across pages. For example, you have chosen 3 software titles from page 1 of the software list, and then you click on page 2 to choose 2 other software. If you do so, those software titles you have selected in page 1 will not be in the list of software you have selected. When you assign these software titles to view, only 2 software titles from page 2 will be assigned. Thus, you have to select software from the same page then assign to a view, then you repeat the same steps on other pages.
b. Check “Select all software filtered by selected view(s)”. This option is the simplified way to select all software titles that were previously assigned to the view(s) that you have selected at view filter. This option is only suitable to move software from view to another view AND you have filtered the software list by using the view filter (Filter software by view). For example, I want to re-assign all software from view OFFICE to OFFICE 2007. Instead of selecting each check box of my Office’s software, I can firstly filter my software list to only from Office view. Then I check the “Select all software filtered by selected view(s)” check box to tell the system that I want to select all software from my Office view automatically.
2. Then I click “Select View” button at the top left of the page to display the list of available views.
3. Select the target view and click “OK” button to start to assign software to the target view.
4. The selected software will be assigned to the target view in immediate effect.
To change software’s view, you must be a “Software View Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a view moderator by default. You can change the view of the software to another view, or remove the software from your user-defined view. Removing software from all user-defined view or from other built-in view will group this software back to the view “Unclassified”.
Go to the administration page. Under “Software View” section, click “Change Software’s View” link. Here are the steps to do that:
1. Select the software you want to change its view. There are two ways to select the desired software. You can use either one of these options for different situations.
a. Check one or more check boxes of the software that you wish to assign to a view. Important! You can only select multiple software titles that are displayed in the list of the same page. You cannot select software across pages. For example, you have chosen 3 software titles from page 1 of the software list, and then you click on page 2 to choose 2 other software. If you do so, those software titles you have selected in page 1 will not be in the list of software you have selected. When you assign these software titles to view, only 2 software titles from page 2 will be assigned. Thus, you have to select software from the same page then assign to a view, then you repeat the same steps on other pages.
b. Check “Select all software filtered by selected view(s)”. This option is the simplified way to select all software titles that were previously assigned to the view(s) that you have selected at view filter. This option is only suitable to move software from view to another view AND you have filtered the software list by using the view filter (Filter software by view). For example, I want to re-assign all software from view OFFICE to OFFICE 2007. Instead of selecting each check box of my Office’s software, I can firstly filter my software list to only from Office view. Then I check the “Select all software filtered by selected view(s)” check box to tell the system that I want to select all software from my Office view automatically.
2. Then I click “Change View” button at the top left of the page to display the list of available views.
3. Select the target view and click “OK” button to start to re-assign the software to the target view.
4. The selected software will be re-assigned to the target view in immediate effect.
Go to the administration page. Under “Software View” section, click “Change Software’s View” link. Here are the steps to do that:
Click of
the software on which you want to remove its view.
Alternatively, check one or more check boxes of
software from the list, then click “Remove
selected software’s view”.
SAMLite collects a list of inactive user accounts that reside in every user machine. You can perform various actions on these inactive user accounts such as to disable user accounts that have not been login for a specific period of time. This list of dormant user accounts is collected when you scan the target machine through SAMLite collection method like active scan or login script.
You can view the list of dormant user account by doing the following:
Go to the administration page. Under “Dormant User Account Management” section,
click “Dormant User Accounts” link.
You may perform filtering on this page. The types of filter are described below:
1. Filter by account status
a. You can filter the list to display accounts that are active or disabled, or both.
2. Filter by exemption
a. You can filter the list to display accounts that are exempted or not exempted from any action, or both.
b. Exemption list is a list of user accounts that you would like the system to exclude from automatic disabling. This list is uploaded by you in the form of a CSV file. For more information on exemption list, refer to exemption list section.
3. Filter by department
4. Filter by location
You may perform action on the target user accounts. Proper configuration is required when installing Active Probe to ensure Active Probe has sufficient rights to make changes to the target machine.
Follow steps below to configure Active Probe from IIS level. If you do not have expertise in configuring IIS, please consult your administrator to configure this for you.
1. Application Pool Identity
a. Set the identity user account to an account that has administrative rights on all target machines.
b. By default the system will use Network Service or Local System as the identity for new application pool. You can create a new application pool and set the identity of the pool to a domain administrator account or any account which has administrative rights on all of your target machines.
The types of actions are described below:
1. Disable account
a. You can select one or more user account by selecting the checkbox beside the user account record, and click the “Disable Account” button. Click Ok on the confirmation prompt and the system will instantly try to connect the machine via active probe and disable the user account in the machine.
2. Enable account
a. You can select one or more user account by selecting the checkbox beside the user account record, and click the “Enable Account” button. Click Ok on the confirmation prompt and the system will instantly try to connect the machine via active probe and enable the user account in the machine.
3. Disable all dormant user account of more than x days
a. This is a convenient link for you to immediately disable all dormant user accounts that are inactive for more than the number of days you have set under “Disable user account after” setting in Configure Auto User Account Remediation.
All these actions will only be available if you have added at least one active probe and set at least one credential under the active probe configuration page.
The system will log the transaction when you disable or enable a user account via the dormant user account management page. For a successful operation, the system will log it under the Success log, while the failed ones will be logged in Error log.
Go to the administration page. Under “Dormant User Account Management” section, click “Remediation Success Log. In the success log, you can re-enable user accounts by doing the following:
1. You can select one or more user account by selecting the checkbox beside the user account record, and click the “Enable Accounts” button. Click Ok on the confirmation prompt and the system will instantly try to connect the machine via active probe and enable the user account in the machine.
Go to the administration page. Under “Dormant User Account Management” section, click “Remediation Error Log. In the error log, you do not have any action on the user account from the console page. However you need to take action on why the failure occurs. The errors that are shown in that page are typically caused by the following:
1. The target machine is not turned on.
2. Target machine’s Windows firewall is turned on and is preventing SAMLite active probe from accessing it. The configuration needed for disable and enable user account are the same configuration that the active scan requires for a successful data collection.
3. Some other security restriction imposed by your network or system administrator to reach and to make changes to the target machine.
Exemption list is a list of user accounts that you would like the system to exclude from automatic disabling. This list is uploaded by you in the form of a CSV file.
Go to the administration page. Under “Dormant User Account Management” section, click “Upload Exemption List”.
The file must be in CSV format. You can save a file as CSV from a Notepad or a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Office Excel.
The order of your data is significant. The first data must be the IP address of the machine. The second data must be the machine hostname. The third data must be the login name. All data are separated by a comma (,).
For example:,SVR01,mydomain\adam
To upload an exemption list, click on “Choose File” button and select the CSV file that contains your exemption list. Click “Upload” button will initiate the upload process from the SAMLite server to SAMLite database. The exemption list will be shown in the page.
You can set how many days before a user account will be disabled automatically by SAMLite active probe.
Go to the administration page. Under “Dormant User Account Management” section, click “Remediation Settings”.
Each of the settings is described below:
1. Enable auto remediation for dormant user account
a. If you set this setting to Yes, the system will automatically disable user accounts via active probe using the rules you have set in this configuration page.
b. If the setting is No, no automation on user account will be allowed.
2. Disable user account after x days
a. You set how many days before a user account can be disabled. This setting must be set.
3. Exception keywords
a. This is different from the exemption list that you can upload into the system.
b. This is a general wild card that tells the system to not act on any user accounts that contain these keywords.
c. The system will skip login name that has any of the following keywords. Separate each keyword with a comma (,).
4. Last auto run date
a. Tells you when is the last date and time automation (if you set it to Yes) is run.
When you made any changes to the configurations, click “Save” button to save your changes. The changes will take effect immediately.
A custom field is additional information that you can attach to either a machine or software. You can define as many custom fields as you like, and then you can put a value into the field for each machine. Once a custom field is created, that field will be available to all machines or software. Custom fields are defined separately for machine and software. Those created for machines cannot be used for software. For example, you can create a machine custom field called “Asset Tag”. Then key in each machine’s Asset Tag ID in its “Asset Tag” custom field.
To manage machine custom field, you must be a “Machine Custom Field Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a machine custom field moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Custom Field” section, click “Manage custom field” link. Here are the steps to do that:
1. Click “Add Custom Field” link at the top of the page.
2. Under section “Machine custom fields”, key in a name for your custom field and click “Check Name” for the system to check for name availability.
3. Optional*. You may fill in the registry path and registry key to auto populate the machine’s custom field value during machine update.
4. Click “Create” button to create the custom field.
Go to the administration page. Under “Custom Field” section, click “Manage custom field” link. Here are the steps to do that:
1. Click “Edit Custom Field” link at the top of the page.
2. Under section “Machine custom fields”, select a custom field from the left pane. The selected custom field’s details will be shown at the right pane.
3. You may then make any changes to the details.
4. Click “Save” button to save the changes.
Go to the administration page. Under “Custom Field” section, click “Manage custom field” link. Here are the steps to do that:
1. Click “Summary” link at the top of the page.
2. Under section “Machine custom fields”, check the check box of the custom field you wish to delete.
3. Click “Delete” button to delete the selected custom field. All values that were previously defined on all machines will be deleted from the system as well.
To manage software custom field, you must QA be a “Software Custom Field Moderator”. A system administrator or inventory administrator is also a software custom field moderator by default.
Go to the administration page. Under “Custom Field” section, click “Manage custom field” link. Here are the steps to do that:
5. Click “Add Custom Field” link at the top of the page.
6. Under section “Software custom fields”, key in a name for your custom field and click “Check Name” for the system to check for name availability.
7. Optional*. You may fill in the registry path and registry key to auto populate the software’s custom field value during machine update.
8. Click “Create” button to create the custom field.
Go to the administration page. Under “Custom Field” section, click “Manage custom field” link. Here are the steps to do that:
5. Click “Edit Custom Field” link at the top of the page.
6. Under section “Software custom fields”, select a custom field from the left pane. The selected custom field’s details will be shown at the right pane.
7. You may then make any changes to the details.
8. Click “Save” button to save the changes.
Go to the administration page. Under “Custom Field” section, click “Manage custom field” link. Here are the steps to do that:
4. Click “Summary” link at the top of the page.
5. Under section “Software custom fields”, check the check box of the custom field you wish to delete.
6. Click “Delete” button to delete the selected custom field. All values that were previously defined on all software will be deleted from the system as well.
This feature allows you to update many machines with details like Department, Warranty Expiry Date and Lease Expiry Date. Even Machine Custom Fields can be updated.
To update you need to upload a tab-delimited text or CSV file where the first line is a row containing the machine column names. And all the lines after are rows containing the data for each machine.
The second line above will update
computers that have the Computer Name 'MY-ANS-PC123' and BIOS Serial
Number 'AZXGH0012513FJ5R' to have Company='MyCo1', Department='Helpdesk',
Assigned User='Ramesh Krishnan' and so on.
And computers named 'AU-HR-PC5' with BIOS Serial Number 'AZXGH0243303SJ4K'
will be set to Company='AuCo1', Location='Sydney L2' etc.
Columns like 'Assigned User' and 'Monitor Vendor' are examples of Machine Custom Fields that you can create.
Match columns |
BIOS Serial Number, Computer Name, Enclosure Asset Tag, Enclosure Serial Number, Machine ID, Motherboard Serial Number |
Updatable columns |
Comment, Company, Company ID, Department, Department ID, Description, Lease Expiry Date, Lease Start Date, Location, Location ID, Ownership Information, User Defined Role, Vendor Information, Warranty Expiry Date, Warranty Start Date and any Machine Custom Fields |
Match columns are columns that can be used to select a machine to be updated. If the match columns data match more than one machine, the import process will be aborted. For example if a row has Computer Name = PC123 and there are three machines with that computer name (PC123) then the import process will fail. To avoid this you can specify more match columns or select the option to skip the update (and update those machines manually) or select the option to update multiple machines.
Use the “test run” option to test an import just in case something unexpected happens (like many multiple machine updates). When “test run” is selected additional logging is done.
“If source entry is blank do not skip but update with blank” does not apply to Department, Company, Location and their related columns – if such items are left blank they will be ignored.
To detect and abort if there are duplicates select the “stop import if source row matches a machine already matched by a previous row” and leave unchecked the “skip row if source row matches multiple machines” and also the “Update multiple machines even if source row matches multiple machines”.
The test run logs a bit more:
If there are too many lines the log will be truncated.
Note that some source columns are being ignored (e.g. monitor model). The Bulk Import feature does not automatically create new Machine Custom Fields, or new Departments, Companies and Locations. You have to create these if necessary.
In the above log, the import was aborted due to multiple machines matching OOIPY_PC1.
Build 2.1 now allows machine warranty information to be automatically updated on an immediate or scheduled basis.
Current supported vendors are: Dell, HP Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Lenovo (which includes IBM x86 servers). However vendors like Dell and HP Inc. require API keys to enable warranty queries. You or your organization will have to apply to those vendors to get the keys and go through their approval processes.
In this page you can enable/disable querying globally. You can change the “Immediate Update” settings and perform “Immediate Update” queries on selected machines.
There is a different settings and schedule page for each supported vendor group.
In the Settings section you can specify the API Key and other settings like the delay between queries, the delay after errors and so on. It is recommended that you only change the API Key, API URL and Proxy settings if necessary. The rest of the settings should be left blank for the defaults which should be fine for normal situations. Click on the “Advanced Settings” title bar to expand or collapse the Advanced Settings section.
In the Schedule (non-overwriting and overwriting) sections you can specify schedules for when automated queries are to be done for each Vendor. The non-overwriting schedule will only query for machines that do not already have warranty information. The overwriting schedule will query even if the machines already have warranty information (and overwrite the existing warranty information).
In this page you can view the Warranty Updater logs to see if the warranty queries are OK or if there are errors. You can specify the “Max Log Level”, date ranges and search strings. Select “Invert search” to search for records that do NOT contain the search string.
Logs can be exported in an Excel readable format.
Scan Agents can be downloaded, installed and used for performing SNMP queries on other devices. The SNMP query results can update attributes of “Other Assets”. For example the toner and page counts for printers or the lamp hours for projectors.
A Scan Agent can also be used to scan the machine it is installed on- this is called a Local Scan. The scan results are similar to those from a normal SAMLite scanning script.
Note: the Scan Agent feature requires the SAMLite license and maintenance to not be expired.
On this page you can build and download the Scan Agent installer.
A Handler URL must be configured before you can download the Scan Agent installer.
Click on the Build/Rebuild button to build the installer. Click on the file name to download the installer.
If a new version of the agent is available the build button may show a different version number from the version available to be downloaded. You can either download the existing version or click on the Build button to replace the existing version with a new build.
The SHA256 text is the hash that uniquely identifies the installer file. This hash can change after a rebuild even for the same version.
To update the agent you will need to upload the latest AgentTemplate file using the Manage Scan Agents, Scan Agent Settings section.
This section allows you to upload an AgentTemplate file which is used to build the Scan Agent Updater and configure the Updater URL. You can also configure the Scan Agent polling interval and the handler URLs. The polling interval controls how often the Scan Agents try to contact the Agent Handler via the Handler URLs. The Scan Agent will try the URL that last worked and if that fails it will try the URLs one by one in the specified order.
Replace http://TheSAMLiteServer with the protocol and address of your SAMLite server. For example you might have one URL for internal access and a different one for external access. The second line with https://SAMLiteServerPublicAddress/… is an example for the case where the SAMLite server is accessible from the Internet via a public address. You only need to specify one URL If your SAMLite server is only to be accessed via one URL.
The Agents will try to update themselves when they contact the SAMLite server and their version is older than the available updater version.
Click the Save button to save the settings.
To configure the Local Scan Schedule click on the to
expand the section.
You can then configure the Local Scan Schedule. If enabled, a Local Scan is done when the Scan Agent contacts the server and the scheduled time has passed AND the scheduled time is later than the time the last scan was done. If no scheduled times are specified the Scan Agent will do a scan once a day.
Click the Save button to save the settings.
This shows the known Scan Agents and some information.
This is a list of recent Agent tasks. This can be used for troubleshooting Scan Agent and SNMP query issues.